Thanks for so many chasers today. Thanks to all who worked with me and our local club LA4O members at LA/BU-125.
Some LA hams who couldn’t make it today will be active on the first of May, it’s a holiday here.
Nice to hear that you Sylvia worked LA4O today, this call was operated by my friend Lauris LB1RH, another station from OE I worked today was OE7PHI, may be you know this OM.
Thanks to everyone who worked me and was patient whenever I was fumbling getting your callsign or Sota reference correct.
I had originally planned to activate another nearby peak but had to change plans as the road up there was closed. To the top of LA/BU-108 there was small hike of about 2km but without snowshoes it took about 1,5 hours to get up.
In all I got 43 contacts of which 11 were summit to summits. One DX into the east coast of the US otherwise all european contacts. I heard nice pileups on many of the central eurpean activations but was only able to get in occationally. I must practice my pileup breaking skills.