KX3 - should I?

In reply to G3CWI:

This one: (18650KIT)

I meant, after about 1 hour, my voltage is dropping around 12V (from abt 12.7 V). Thats 1 hour CQing and replying and CQing.

I meant if I want to transmit at least 5 watts. I don’t know if the power stays 5w under 12V. I doubt in fact.

In reply to VA2SG:

3 x LiPO batteries are fine down to 10 Volts.

In reply to G3CWI:

The reading says I am transmitting at least 5 watts lower then 12 V, so thats probably the case.

Anyway, the rig is surprising, and certainly a good value.

Now, I’ll let our friends talk about the KX3 :wink:

In reply to G3CWI:

Richard, and others

Opportunity for a SH one coming up in 8 hours or so. Usual source.


In reply to M0JLA:

I have seen several about second hand already. There was one on my Flea Market yesterday:


I’m not buying as I have yet to be convinced.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

I’m still not convinced about the merits of the KX3 as a radio that is suitable for more than a rather tame adventure. Even a trip to the beach proved too much for this one:

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

I thought criticism of any Elecraft product was considered heresay by the fanbois and was punishable by death. Or worse!

Just sayin’…

Andy, MM0FMF

In reply to MM0FMF:

In reply to G3CWI:

I thought criticism of any Elecraft product was considered heresay by
the fanbois and was punishable by death. Or worse!

Just sayin’…

That’s why mine, even as a fanboi, never leaves the shack!

The rig was never designed to be placed on a beach in gale force winds and I’m surprised anyone who has seen one would contemplate doing so.
Anyone who has spent any appreciable period of time at all on a beach knows only too well that sand gets into places you didn’t even know existed.

It’s an equipment killer - cameras, phones, radios, binoculars.
I have examples of all the above, passed onto me for repair by naive users :slight_smile:


In reply to G4ISJ:
Well, whether heresay or heresy, I thought fanboys were aficionados of the accursed Apple products. Still…

The KX3 is a stunning rig, mine was a retirement gift from Churches in North Devon. However, like everything else it isn’t perfect. I could make a list of points i think could be better, but if Elecraft asked me to design their next rig, well, it would be a hopeless mess.

I have used my KX3 on the beach and on the hills in Malta and Wales and portable all over the place. It works. Very well.
From those that know, I am told its akin to having a portable version of a K3. I rarely use our Club’s K3 so wouldn’t know.

One of its lacks - its not a ‘fault’ - is the lack of weather proofing. But from comments in this thread even the hallowed FT817 isn’t weathertight. No HF rig is. I made new end plates for my KX3 - easy if you can drill and file accurately - and protect the front/top panel with shaped builders foam when in the rucksack. When operating in the rain, I put it in a plastic bag. Simple. Same for a windy beach, I would have thought.

For me, it’s abilities on FM,SSB, Data and AM are never used, so there is a lot I don’t need in the rig, but very capable rigs are like that. It is my main rig at home and the difficult choice for portable, because I also have a K1, which has almost everything I need… The K2 sits seldom used on the shelf. The homebrew rigs, such as they were, we’re disposed of when we downsized for retirement in 2011. The KX3 has all I need, in truth.


In reply to G3CWI:

I have both rigs. The KX3 is a fantastic rig with bells and whistles galore, however, to me it is bulky and awkward to pack and as others have said, do I really need all of the features on a summit. How much difference does the receiver really make when you are using an EFHW strung up a pole? I’ve taken it on exactly one SOTA trip. Consequently, it’s my QRP rig on my desk in the shack.

The 817 is a much easier radio to pack and, I think, a bit more rugged. I recently bought a new one, added the on board SSB/CW-300 filter and the BHI DSP by N4RT. Those additions are nice upgrades and make up a lot of ground on the differences, on paper, between the two radios. The total cost was still less than the KX3 base model. Oh and the 817 has 2 meter capability, FM and SSB, built in.

To be honest, my SOTA rig of choice is the ATS-4 by KD1JV, very light and a great radio. However, when I get the desire to work bands outside of its capability, I take the 817. The KX3 sits on the desk looking very nice with all its abilities.


Mike AD5A

In reply to AD5A:
I really enjoy my KX3.
The large display and top facing, let me operate in challenging conditions.
The low current drain lets my LiPo batteries keep an adequate voltage when things get cold
Yes it’s hard to operate when raining. I use a well fitting foam camera case for rucksack carrying and shower caps/large zip lock bag in the rain.
If things get more extreme than this

I stay at home


In reply to VA6MCB:
Hello Walker, I agree and…
great photographs 8)
Mike G6TUH