Know your Chasers

Figures quoted here are for 2m FM only. On 80m CW it is <5%.


Hi All,

Many thanks all for the super informative replies. I must admit to be a bit of a dinosaur in terms of logging as I still use pencil and paper. Whether this is more effective than using a phone or tablet on a Scottish summit in horizontal driving sleet is another matter. I have had to decipher a few logsheets from the tatters I have brought down from the summit, but Iā€™ve managed to sort it out so far. I might have had issues with trying to log on a wet screen under such circumstances.

So far I have mainly relied on memory. I did try a crib sheet for a while, very much as the photo from Chris DL1CR shows, but keeping it up to date was an issue as SOTA became more popular and the number of chasers increased. Having an instant callsign to name conversion would be helpful, even if I donā€™t immediately change over to digital logging. However, I guess Iā€™ve just got to bite the bullet and do it. After all, Iā€™ve recently learnt to drive an automatic vehicle after over 50 years of manual gearsā€¦ thatā€™s stick shift to those in the States. :grinning:

73, Gerald


Another Vk port a log advocate here. I found via trial and error (lots of them) that a tablet screen responds better to a dedicated stylus than to a cold/frozen/shivery finger and even the ā€œtouchscreen glovesā€ can lead to mistooksā€¦
The names file will store any new callsign/names pairings that you enter during a qso.
