K0M - Minnesota

In reply to MM0FMF:

I’d like to fix the missing data in my new GM summits

If it helps, I have the Lat/Long values worked out as I needed them for my Google Earth file.

When we’ve done those, we’ll look into where the Romanian names got
broken and reupload the names.

This may be doomed. As with Polish, Window-1252 does not have all the characters that Romanian needs.

In reply to M1MAJ:

Oh that’ll save me figuring them out! email them to the usual place please Martin.


In reply to M1MAJ:

This may be doomed. As with Polish, Window-1252 does not have all the
characters that Romanian needs.

Even worse than that, not even the Eastern European character set of Windows have those cursed characters, only in later Windows version were some support added, mostly in form of Unicode, and some tricks involved in system fonts seamlessly exchanging glyphs when romanian language is used.
But to be honest I completely forget the misery Windows (and in general everything coming from Remond) has with this codepage, I myself using exclusively UTF-8 for more than a decade now


In reply to ND0C:

Congrats on working me S2S today on Two Rock Mountain (W7A/YV-015) from K0M/SE-003! I was up there with Bud, N7CW, on a first-ever activation of that peak (8-pt summit). We were runing my Icom IC-703 Plus (10-watts) into a home brew, multi-band, quarter-wave vertical antenna. We worked 2 other S2S QSOs today along with about 60 unique callsigns, so it was a good activation (if you don’t count the scratches we have on our legs from the bush-wacking!).

Very 73,

Jim N6KZ
Prescott, AZ

In reply to K0YAK:
Well done for getting this up and running.

K0M will always mean “King Of the Mountains” as in the Tour de France… so how very appropriate that there is a SOTA association there.

In 1979 on a school exchange trip I visited Minnesota while staying just over the border in Milltown, Polk County, Wisconsin. I was there in “the fall” as you say. I remember beautiful rolling tree covered hills.

I also very much enjoyed Tom’s little pun… Mini SOTA, very clever!
