Josh, WU7H, hits 3xMG

Congratulations! Always great to work you . . .

Tom NN7O

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Excellent Josh!
It just is not a SOTA day without an activation or chase from you and DJ.
Keep it up !

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Congrats, Josh!

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The Trifecta! Well played WU7H!

73 de Eric KG6MZS

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Congratulations, Josh! TNX fer all the QSOs and hope for many more.

Vy 73 de Jonathan “JB”

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Congratulations Josh, and thank you for all the Q’s.

Vy 73,

Dennis N4DD

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Congratulations Josh. Have enjoyed working you on both ends of things.

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Good going, Josh! And thanks for all the QSOs OM.
BCNU some more.
73, John, K6YK

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Congrats, Josh!

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