Ireland - May 2024

Make sure you are familiar with the 2m bandplan. Very different from North America - the band is half the size (unless you have a NoV [for UK and CD])!


@G4TGJ Thanks Rich. I downloaded the IARU Region 1 band plan yesterday from the IRTS site to get familiar. Looks like 145.500 is the FM calling frequency, and from I gathered, folks QSY after getting an initial response. Do people slide up/down to particular, common SOTA QSO frequencies just off of 145.500? Are there preferred ones? Looks like the spacing is 12.5 kHz. Thanks.


Spacing is 12.5kHz but most stick to the old 25kHz channels unless it is extremely busy (doesnā€™t happen often these days). I usually go up to 145.550 and I think others have their favourite channels.


Re drive ons on the east coast clermont carn EI/IE-021 springs to mind. Ben of Howth EI/IE-072 was only a short walk.

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@G6PJZ Thanks Andy! Definitely planning to do Ben of Howth as one of the summits. I just got informed that the Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio is just around the corner from the summit, so Iā€™ll have to check that out while Iā€™m there.

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Yes indeed 145.500 FM is the call channel and most activators will alert for a QRG, we usually use 145.425 FM with a note in the comments that QRV on 145.500 FM. Some times there are nets on 145.475 FM in Northern Ireland and Iā€™ve found sometimes a net on 145.400 FM in EI, usually on the weekends.


Hi Mike,
if you drop an email to Tony EI5EM prior to your visit he will probably be able to let you operate the station EI0MAR in the Hurdy Gurdy museum. You will need a car to get from the village up to the Ben but its a 5 min walk in from the gate to the summit.

Declan EI6FR

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Thanks @GI0AZB @EI6FR!! Great info on an option for a preferred activation channel Ian. I appreciate it. Declan, thanks for the suggestion. Another SOTA Operator gave me Ianā€™s contact email. That would be fantastic to both operate the museumā€™s station and activate Ben of Howth in the same afternoon.