International SOTA Cycling Weekend: 8-9 June

In reply to G4OWG:
That’s sods law Roger…two problems then - you need to slip away at the right time and secondly hear my flea power signal - dependant solely on conditions, but you operate CW so you are in with a chance…

I’ll post times later when I’ve weighed the job up, rather an impromptu idea…I only booked the YHA bunkbarn an hour ago. Pretty good value for one on their own at £17 per night which includes bedding. You just need a towel and toiletries. There is a pub or two in Bellingham village for food and drink.

73 Phil

A very pleasant ride with a friend up to Gun. Met Tom M1EYP on the way down who confirmed that he had worked 24MHz out (my only band option, cheers mate). Two contacts, G6LUZ and G0IBE/p for a cycling S2S. Heard VU in Delhi working VK4TL in Cairns on SSB. Both stations audible. A6 calling CQ on CW too.

Return trip across Peak via two pubs. Perfect!

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:


Glad you had a good day.

Sorry I failed to make an appearance on 24MHz. My power connector disappeared (no idea how it became detached) and I assumed that it was at home. Eventually it revealed itself in a tuft of long grass while I was putting everything away.

Managed a few s2s on 2m FM and one cycling one ( G0IBE/P on CE-003).

We might both be out tomorrow.


I will never make a cyclist, but I do try to get out on the bike once or twice a week for fitness. It is only 10K to the foot of Bredon Hill from my house, so I have long thought I ought to cycle to it rather than rely on the car, but it took a prod from G3CWI to make me do it.

I reduced the kit I normally carry; the mast being a 5M mini pole and the HF antenna being a single length of wire tuned with a Z817 ATU; the VHF antenna being the Sotabeams multi function dipole. There was no problem carrying it and a jacket in a 20l rucksack.

The weather was wonderful on the top. With my back against a dry stone wall, and being out of the wind, it was fine to stay there as long as I wanted. Unfortunately HF wasn’t as good, with only 2 contacts on 24MHz (G3CWI cycle to cycle) and one on 5MHz (M0YDH on Walton). There were no answers to my self spot on 14 or 21MHz. I made 21 contacts on 2M FM (9 s2s) including one with M0JLA as a cycle to cycle, though GW6OVD assures me that they carried their bikes up Tryfan and were looking forward to the ride down.

Thanks Richard for suggesting this.


In reply to G0IBE:
Hi Richard,
Sorry that I missed you on 5mhz today otherwise you could have had a second cycle S2S.
I was QRV on 5mhz SSB from G/SE-001 today from 1142 UTC and listening out for you but understand from Frank G3RMD that you were busy on 2m at that time. I stayed on listening until 1225 UTC when I had to close. I did take a quick listen on 40m at one point so perhaps missed you then. Hope for better luck next time.
David G3RDQ

In reply to G3RDQ:

My fault. When trying the antenna out in the garden, the ATU just would not tune below 7MHz. I tried going back to a couple of calls on 7MHz and just wasn’t heard, so I presumed that the lower HF band was out for me. However, just before packing away I saw that M0YDH was on 5MHz and not so far way, so gave it a try. The SWR meter was showing a poor match, but enough was getting radiated to make the contact - to my surprise. If I had known that the antenna sort of worked, I would have looked for you.



In reply to G3CWI:

I tried to catch you today Richard but heard very little on 12m :frowning:

I set up the new dipole in the garden, and the SWR seemed perfect across the band. I waited for a spot and tuned up on your SSB frequency the minute the spot came through but heard zilch.

I tuned up the band to where Daris M0KCB was operating and I could only just hear his CQs. I didn’t even try to attempt a contact.

I saw your spot for CW so I switched the FT817 on to that mode with 300Hz filter. At one point I heard a few elements of CW but whether it was from a chaser or a freak reflection I don’t know.

I packed up after 45 mins of listening to static.

At least I tried!

FT817 batteries back on charge now for PW contest tomorrow.

73, Colin

Day 1

Looks like it’s only the English activators who have taken to their bikes so far. Perhaps someone further afield will make it truly international? Sun shining here and I will soon be out again on my bike.

Thanks to David and Richard for the photos!

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

I have an exercise bike… :wink: (It doesn’t get much use!) Are there extra points available for chasing from it?


In reply to M0HCU:

I have an exercise bike… :wink: (It doesn’t get much use!) Are there
extra points available for chasing from it?

I think there should be, as long as it is powering the rig :o)


In reply to G4AZS:

I think there should be, as long as it is powering the rig :o)

Where on earth is your sense of priority, Adrian!!!

Surely, it should be powering the beer chiller?

73 Mike

I was a bit more ambitious today. First I took a gentle ride over to The Cloud SP-015. The summit was busy but 12m was not. 7Q and 4Z were the only contacts of note. Took the opportunity of traversing the summit area, something that is easy when your transport comes with you. The paths across the Cloud are footpaths so I had to push/carry the bike rather further than I would have liked.

A quick trip across the valley to Gun SP-013. Again I had to push the bike for the final approach. As on The Cloud I decided on a traverse, starting with the “long” path to the trig. 12m was still very quiet. Some Brazilians chatting on SSB, a female operator from India calling CQ. EA and a couple of locals was all I managed. S2S with Steve G1INK, just a few miles away.

About 30 miles cycled, 2000 ft ascent.

Sprinted home; 14.4 miles at 19.4 mph.

All in all, great fun!

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:
Sounds like a better day on the bike than I had…but there’s always tomorrow with two more summits planned. I got two miles into the forest below Sighty Crag G/SB-005 before I needed to dismount. When the Cateye Computer drops to less than 4.5 mph on the hill it’s time to get off! A further ride/walk then of about 1.5 miles to where I left the bike. Pushing over a further mile+ over typical border tussocks and rough moor was not doable. Activation was good with over 30 QSOs on 2m FM and 40,30,20m CW. The ride downhill was spectacular, 28.5 mph reached on the rough track. I just got back to the car with my fully deflated back tyre, tube cut badly I think by a sharp rock. Why is it always the back tyre?
That meant it was shank’s pony and the long walk in to G/SB-004 Peel Fell. The track would have been perfect for the bike. HF condx were poor. Inter G and PA only on 40m and CT1BQH on 30m. Nothing was worked on 20m. Using QRP really hits the QSO rate when condx are poor. Rick M0RCP/P was worked on NP-011 (Calf Top?) And M6EPW/P on Flat Fell a Wainwright Outlyer on 2m FM.
I fitted my spare tube when I got to my bunkhouse in Bellingham and hopefully I can ride to my last two SB summits tomorrow morning.

Great fun !

73 Phil

In reply to G3CWI:
Thanks for the idea of a SOTA Cycling weekend. I got out the better bike (the town bike is deliberately very scruffy and so unlikely to be stolen) and cycled a few (potholed) miles South of Hereford to WB-024 (Aconbury Hill).

Being lazy, and not wanting to go any higher than necesary, I found a new approach from the Northern side where there is a new bridle path which is not on the maps but I didn’t attempt to cycle it as it went through a muddy swamp (? our garden is desperate for water) and then under a fallen tree. However it was a delightful walk with lots of different flowers up to the ramparts of the hill fort where I perched above the cleared area. The VX7 and overflow pipe dipole got me 12 contacts (amazing as last time it was a struggle to get 4) including Maesglasau (GW/NW-029 quite a long way on 5w) and High Vinnalls (WB-012)near Ludlow which was quite close.

No-one else seemed to have cycled but it was a very pleasant way of travelling in the warm sunshine - especially on the way back into Hereford as long as I kept a sharp lookout for the holes. Please be warned if you are thinking of extending your cycle activating to this area!

What date have you chosen for next year?? By the way, I recommend Hafod Ithel, South of Aberystwyth, by bicycle as even I could get my bike to the trig point (‘tho’ rather slowly as I’d started from Devil’s Bridge and I am not at all cycling fit).

73 Viki M6BWA

In reply to G3CWI:
Thanks for the idea of a SOTA Cycling weekend. I got out the better bike (the town bike is deliberately very scruffy and so unlikely to be stolen) and cycled a few (potholed) miles South of Hereford to WB-024 (Aconbury Hill).

Being lazy, and not wanting to go any higher than necesary, I found a new approach from the Northern side where there is a new bridle path which is not on the maps but I didn’t attempt to cycle it as it went through a muddy swamp (? our garden is desperate for water) and then under a fallen tree. However it was a delightful walk with lots of different flowers up to the ramparts of the hill fort where I perched above the cleared area. The VX7 and overflow pipe dipole got me 12 contacts (amazing as last time it was a struggle to get 4) including Maesglasau (GW/NW-029 quite a long way on 5w) and High Vinnalls (WB-012)near Ludlow which was quite close.

No-one else seemed to have cycled but it was a very pleasant way of travelling in the warm sunshine - especially on the way back into Hereford as long as I kept a sharp lookout for the holes. Please be warned if you are thinking of extending your cycle activating to this area!

What date have you chosen for next year?? By the way, I recommend Hafod Ithel, South of Aberystwyth, by bicycle as even I could get my bike to the trig point (‘tho’ rather slowly as I’d started from Devil’s Bridge and I am not at all cycling fit).

73 Viki M6BWA

Two days of 1st International SOTA Cycling weekend.

Same pictures are here:

VIDEO is still to came. Film editing is in progress.
TNX for all QSO and it was very fun to participate.

In reply to M6BWA:
I expect Richard will be ambitious and activate F/CR-007 by bike? The road goes over the summit. Windiest place in France too so extra guy lines… As long as he doesn’t do a Tommy Simpson.
I abandoned plans to ride to G/CE-002 due to a persistent injury that’s ruining my cycle touring life and also the prospect of passing through Dudley.

Well done
David M0YDH

Thanks to everyone who participated. Please email me a few photos if possible to as I hope to do a short write up for Radcom.

It would also be interesting to find out here what you used? To start that off:

Bike: B’Twin Triban 3 road bike (very customised)
Radio: FT-817, LiPo batteries
Antenna: 24MHz dipole at 4m supported by MiniPole
All equipment carried in a small daysack.
Day 1 24 miles, 2,800 ft ascent
Day 2 30 miles, 2,000 ft ascent

Perhaps a Cycling Weekend is something to put in the SOTA calender again for next year? Cycling to summits adds a new dimension and greater opportunity for fun for the real light-weight experts. Suggestions on making it a more attractive option welcome.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

The heavy version; hence much pushing of bike uphill.

Giant trailbike with panniers containing:-

long wire
All above unused owing to missing connector.

slim-jim - 2m / 70cm
5m fishing pole
SOTA 3 ele beam and coax

Rucksack with clothes, food, pegs, etc

15 2m QSO
including 7 s2s (only 4 summits)

2 70cm QSO

Day 1 only 20km approx, 300m ascent + a few ups & downs on the way (too short to measure but steep enough for pushing)

No pictures.

Might do another soon; perhaps with PSK.


In reply to G3CWI:

Perhaps a Cycling Weekend is something to put in the SOTA calender
again for next year? Cycling to summits adds a new dimension and
greater opportunity for fun for the real light-weight experts.
Suggestions on making it a more attractive option welcome.

Cycling to summits - great. Cycling OVER summits - anathema! Friday on Cyrn y Brain the track from the second installation to near the trig point was deeply rutted by cycle tracks and the ruts had set hard, real ankle-breaking ground! IMHO bikes should be banned from all unpaved tracks and open ground above 300 metres unless the tracks run in a valley - and even then, only perhaps! I’m not against cycling per se, but in the wrong place they can do a lot of harm.


Brian G8ADD