Incredible propagation now and for 2 weeks??

So I didn’t get the points because I was at another summit before and had an S2S with him… and he was still at the same summit.

I haven’t noticed that yet either.

73 Armin


My activation of F/CR-229, Mont Puget (11.05.2024) was also very difficult. For the first half hour of my activation, I heard nothing at all on all HF bands except a station that was also activating a summit only about 70 kilometres away from me.

We first had a S2S on 20m. But his modulation was very special. Totally hummed, abnormal and difficult to understand. A couple of minutes later we also had QSOs on other HF bands and there his modulation was completely normal. I wonder whether on 20 metres, in addition to the ground wave, the sky wave with reflection on the polar regions was somehow also playing a part or whether his device had a problem on 20m. I don’t know. I afterwards heard him calling CQ again on 20m and the modulation was still just as strange as before already on 20m.

At least I heard a few other weak signals again at the end my activation and could only make two more QSO’s to the Netherlands and Germany (S2S).


That was likely an auroral distortion, few years back I’ve hear something similar on 40m


The good radio conditions continue. There was an X8.7 flare today.


It would have been fun if it happened a few days ago when the sunspot was on the earth facing side of the Sun!