Homebrew Micro paddle (CW) with paper clips

Wonderful Ignacio ! I like simplicity too …
Although I rarely do CW, I always carry 2 mini paddles with my KX3, see pictures
(and during my last activation, it helped catching a S2S in CW)

One paddle was built after the idea of Carel, PA0CMU (see
PC Board Paddle
That site also contains instructions for a a “copy” Palm Mini Paddle, I’m still working on that one …

The other is my own “invention”, since I did’n want to spend ***$'s on the Elecraft paddle …
(details : see insets on the picture)
The two miniature switches come from old floppy disk drives (the write protect sensor switch), the connector from the “HD LED” of an old PC motherboard (needs two, glued back to back).
First I mounted the paddle on the KX3 with two hex posts (the type you find on a PC interface card).
Later I changed it to fix with a magnet from a 2.5" harddisk.
But since the KX3 case is aluminium, I screwed a small & thin steel plate on the KX3.
So I can really say my paddle is a “computer junk paddle” , HI
(and best part : it cost me nothing !)

73 and happy homebrewing !