Homebrew Buddipole vs other antennas

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of watching Andy set up and use his Buddistick copy, it went up with surprising speed and sounded pretty lively, so I was inspired to copy his copy but instead of using spade terminals on the coil I am using banana plugs, to short out the coil a plug is taken from its socket and inserted in the top of the other plug. I am now experimenting with two radials, giving the option of either an inverted “T” set-up on one band, or having one radial on each of two bands for more rapid band changing. Andy’s antenna is described here:

On the internal batteries the FT817 automatically drops to 2.5 Watts, but this can be overridden manually to restore 5 Watts. Andy refers to having measured the output of his 817 as 4.5 watts, mine is a measured 5 watts except on 6 metres where it is just over four watts. This can be adjusted but I have never bothered as the difference is marginal.
