Hard work!

Thanks for trying Rod, sorry we couldn’t connect. Propagation is a wonderfully frustrating and amazing thing! Karl was quite a clear signal from Cornwall (with his 10W), yet we couldn’t hear each other on 40m. I barely made it to the Lakes earlier on 60m to answer David’s CQs.
PS I did write M0AJJ in my log who I heard calling me, but got no reply from him when I responded. Maybe I got the call wrong, was it you? I also heard G0FEX, but again couldn’t complete.

No, definitely not me, Andy; I did not call at all as I could not hear any signal from you so knew I would not hear if you did reply to me.


I do wonder about chasers who actively call me when it becomes obvious they can not hear me at all. Are they expecting a miracle, or think I am forgetting to call CQ? I have no problem trying to work a station when I am very weak to them. It is very gratifying to make several attempts over the course of an activation, and finally get them in the log legitimately.

Of course the best one is the “chaser” who never heard one word I said (I never even gave a signal report). Yet he took credit on air for the contact and logged it to the database.

Makes me wonder about the validity of his other logs.

Darn it. That’s why I’m struggling :clown_face:

Update from G/CE-005

Radio and weather all good for a change.

The hard work on this occasion was my wife who wandered off in the woods and got lost :triumph:. 1 hour radio, 40 minutes tracking wife. That’s what I love about SOTA - every day brings a new challenge. The next challenge will be teaching her to use the gps on her phone.

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