In reply to S57D:
Hi, I will be at the Show on Friday, Hope to see some or all @ the QSL wall @1200
73 de Daryl… G0 ANV
Looking forward to meet you there…
73, Jo
Good idea,
what about some beers at lunchtime, hi.
Meet you there on saturday.
I’ll be activating some DM/BW-summits in the Hochschwarzwald region, details later on sotawatch.
In reply to DO1DJJ:
Im starting my trip to DL in a few hours.
I will be activating some summits on the way and also at the DM/BW area.
QRG 145.4625 MHZ
Hi folks!
I’ll arrive to Friedrichshafen at 14.00 on friday.
I’m very interested in activate a SOTA Summit near to the Ham-Radio. Perhaps on Saturday Morning could be a good moment.
If somebody know the path to the summit, please write here!!
For me the best way to celebrate a SOTA meeting… is climbing a mountain!! It would be nice to have a international team for an activation!!
If somebody knows the area, please recommend us a SOTA reference. Easy…
I’ll be QRV at 435.500, on friday, saturday and sunday. I’ll be there with my ham-friends, so if you hear a QSO in spanish… please, make a “CQ SOTA” call.
For beer-time, I think the ham-party (saturday afternoon) is the best moment. The fair is closed and is the perfect time to share a table (and a beer) with SOTA friends.
Last year I was alone with my spanish colleagues but no problem to change to english conversation…
So, I’ll be at the fair QRV at 435.500
73’s Rafa EB2DJB
Ich werde am Samstag 25.06 zu DM/BW-348 Gehrenberg gehen.
Wenn Du mit mir dieses Aktivation machen willst bitte: Um 9.00 Uhr in Ham-Radio Parking-area.
Kontakt: Immer QRV 435.500 Mhz FM (auch am Freitag)
I’ll climb to DM/BW-348 on Saturday morning.
If you want to come with me and do a “multi” activation… please be at 9.00 morning of Saturday 25/06 in the Parking area of the Ham-Radio.
To contact: I’ll be always QRV at 435.500-FM (Friday too)
The activation would be at 145 Mhz band FM. If somebody has a portable TRX this could change…
My email:
H A M - R A D I O P A R T Y
I’ll be at Ham-Radio Party (saturday afternoon) and it would be nice to meet with you and share some SOTA experiences (and some beers) So, try to find me (EB2DJB) in the tables area or give me a call at 435.500 Mhz.
If you don’t remember my callsign… you know the magic keyword…: SOTA
Call to SOTA… always work!
Enjoy Ham-Radio & SOTA !!!
In reply to SV2KGA:
Hi, Adamos
TNX summit2summit QSO 23/06/2011 10:53
DO1DJJ/p on DM/BW-002
OE/SV2KGA/p on OE/VB-511
CU saturday!
In reply to DD1LD:
Hi Dzianis
This was a very good idea. Tks for the organization. My wife mentioned to me, that there are differences between Radio Hams and the SOTA Folk, which has a special spirit!
73 es see you on the air de HB9BIN, Jürg (George)
In reply to HB9BIN_3:
I would also like to thank Dzianis DD1LD for arranging the two meetings. I thought we may have problems this year as the QSL wall was in a new location. I had a great time renewing some old acquaintainces and meeting many of the chasers I have worked on CW for the first time. Including Bernard DL4CW, Tom DL1VDE, Steffen DL3JPN, Jürg HB9BAB, Jürg HB9BIN, John OE7PHI, Bert DF5WA, Micheal DJ5AV, Milos S57D, Sabina S56BNX. Special thanks to Alain F6ENO for plying me with Pastis too!
I failed to find Edwin HB9ZAP during Saturday which was a shame. Hopefully he will email me when he gets to GM-land in a few days time.
If I have omitted anyone I apologise and blame this on the lovely beer down here!
In reply to DD1LD:
I was glad to get know the faces behind the callsignes of some of the SOTA gang. Special thanks to Dzianis for organizing the meeting.
I have taken a couple of photos and would be happy to swap them with the other photographers. If interested please contact me off the reflector via e-mail (my callsign)(at)(
73 and CU on the bands, Ruda OK2QA
In reply to MM0FMF:
Very glad for this new meeting !
It’s always fine to know some new SOTA lovers.
And about french Pastis, yes Andy WITH water… not dry !
73 Alain F6ENO
In reply to F6ENO:
and about french Pastis, yes Andy WITH water… not dry !
You should see what the British put in pastis (well Pernod and Ricard) instead of water. Well perhaps not! I guess your reaction would be much the same as many people here would have seeing anyone adding anything but a few drops of water to malt whisky.
In reply to MM0FMF:
this reminds me of a recipe for Grog which I accidently ran across a long time ago:
Rum must be
Sugar can be
Water needs not to be
Bernhard DL4CW
In reply to S57D:
The picture of the Friday SOTA meeting 2011:
I am behind the camera
73, Milos S57D
In reply to S57D:
Some other pictures with Milos
73 de Harald, DL2HSC
In reply to DL2HSC:
Thanks, Harald. Very nice …
73, Milos S57D
Hi folks,
Great to have met all of you!!!
CU at Ham Radio 2012!
73 de Dzianis, DD1LD
It was a great pleasure to meet you all…
I hope to see you all again next year.
best 73 de TOM
It was a great event, I really enjoyed my first-time visit and hope to be back, maybe in a couple of years.
Many congratulations and thanks to all the organisers and participants in D-land.
We really enjoyed the drive there and back as well, staying in some lovely German country hotels.