Good vibrations in EA5 - 1st QSO on 10m and UHF bands

There are radio days with a special flavour and today was one of them. It was my first EA5 activation and I couldn’t have been in better company during the ascent and first VHF communications.

You don’t always find a host but in this EA5/MU-134, @EA5JN did it like the best. There’s nothing like setting up the HF antenna and station while chatting with an old chaser who surprises chasing you in VHF (or you surprise him activating a SOTA close to his QTH :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

The day was not too cold but the unexpected came with some wind throughout the activation. Regarding the radio it was very entertaining, the best 20m band performance I have experienced until now and many surprises, QSOs with people who knew other friends (@EA1DD), hunters (@EA2TW) who made me miss another (EB1ASA/SK :man_superhero: )…arriving to Edinburgh where I lived almost two years (@MM0GTU), Canary Islands with @EA8CAZ and others…

The first UHF QSO came with the initiative that a good ham radio has to have (@EA5JN) willing for testing the antenna in all possible bands jiji (sorry for not advice for 40m :pray:).

First QSO in the 10m band came thanks to the premiere of the tuner z817 :raised_hands: with none other than Poland! @SQ9IDE.

I got the badge explorer mountain and UHF activator! and a good day of radio!


Congratulations Juan on your new association activated, your fresh Mountain explorer endorsement, and your first 10m QSO ! Many more to come soon.

Un abrazo
73 de Ignacio