Oh dear, that’s unpleasant. Not nice to receive such an email.
The ‘hate mail’ is dated 6th March so it might be motivated by this reflector topic or by something else (possibly the abuse case the MT is looking into it).
Well, this is as good a time as any to express my appreciation for what you Andy and the others on the MT have done and are doing – usually unsung - for the rest of us for this great radio scheme.
GMA is more than SOTA – it includes SOTA and offers more. For those who don’t have time to read the rules and broaden their horizons.
Almost every SOTA reference is valid for GMA. This means I can activate all SOTA valid summits and enter my activations into the GMA database. Many SOTA activators already do this and submit their SOTA logs to the SOTA and GMA databases. Finally, I can activate any SOTA reference and enter my activation only into the GMA database.
According to the summit definition, the GMA has more references to offer, much more. More summits, more fun. It has a huge dynamic range - from a very difficult peak in the Alps (which could be excluded by the P150 rule) to a local hill around the corner (which could also be excluded by the P150 rule).
You can add a new reference yourself. The beauty of the GMA program is that you can activate the same local summit every day and get the credit for it. Just add your favorite hill or peak around the corner and have fun every day!
The score/points system is different from SOTA and quite straightforward. The GMA score system is not perfect, however, it is more gradual (+/- one point) and more reflective and the same for all associations.
GMA is democratic and always open to new suggestions, SOTA is… hm… (form your own opinion).
GMA started as the German Mountain Award and has rapidly developed into a kind of Global Multi Award program. You can upload your XOTA log (SOTA/GMA, COTA, WWFF, MOTA, GoGreen) into the database and receive your awards for free. You can create your own challenges. The only thing I personally miss about the GMA program is the large international chaser community if compared to SOTA. However, it will change as more and more international people embrace GMA. GMA is more green and more sustainable, it’s democratic driven by keen activators, and it’s more inclusive and less prescriptive.
So, GMA is more than SOTA, and SOTA is just a part of GMA
Having glanced through the posts I fail to see what all the fuss is about, strip it back to the basics no matter what group you have a preference to I see people with a love of portable operating usually qrp seeing how well they can construct a qrp set up and operate. on the other side I see people who enjoy seeking out that qrp station to see how well their kit is working at home.
I distinctly remember when I joined sota in 2009 there was a statement along the lines sota in not a competion but it is fun to compare your score with others. Nowhere do I see that you should not communicate with other programs as I see intimated by some comments in this post (or am I reading it wrong )
I just feel the camradrie and spirt of Amatuer Radio is being questioned, to me we are all here to speak to one another and help one another along in the hobby. I don’t see any one of the programs being a threat to the other, remember activity breeds activity.
(Dons Moderator helmet with the famous spike on top, carefully earthed.)
I completely agree with Brian’s post above, there is room for us all in this great hobby/service, and as Moderator I feel that there should be no room on this reflector for disparaging other award programs. It is not in keeping with the acceptable use policy of this reflector and it should stop.
Well at least you haven’t closed the thread down Brian!
I’m busy with other personal matters at present but it is my intention to respond in due course about this specific case of cheating - which I hope is being addressed in the firmest and fairest way possible by the SOTA Managment Team.
I’m planning a Triple Activation of Peace for tomorrow.
I added the DA/NI-402 Hirschkoepfe (deer heads) in the GMA. This summit is located in the activation zone of the SOTA summit DM/NS-122 and also in the POTA park DE-0210.
„In my opinion, GMA is for amateurs and SOTA is for connoisseurs.
I find your attitude very arrogant and I have to be ashamed.
I am active in both SOTA and GMA.
Summit- Radio is great and it is not important in which programm you are… important is the fact to activate it finally without help from others… !
I do my summiting only with 5 watts. Last summer I activated 13 SOTA summits in Utah and Colorado… it was amazing and I enjoyed it very much… do be in 4000m after 15km hiking… . Unfortualtly in my area there are only few SOTA summits so GMA is a good alternative to do summiting.
I’m not a radioamateur 2nd class as you claim !!! Please think about your words before you post such ignorant staff!!!
We worked last weekend on 20m cw - you was terrible weak but I was happy to catch you from your summit…. Since 2019 I made more than 20000 qrp summit qsos… 80% GMA and 20 % SOTA….
A connoisseurs is not only good in summiting he is also good in social competence and have the wisdom to recognize the symbiosis of gma and sota.