GM/NS expedition

Hi Andy, is this a case of being ‘dragged across the rails’ :smile:

And yes I remember a Speyside distillery visit. At the end of the tour we were invited to sample 1x40% by volume, 1x64% and 1x40%. The smoothest was the 64% which I bought and finished later with friends when we returned to Aviemore. An evolving jovial occasion - no wonder - hi!

Maybe catch you later?



I did the pricey tour where you get better whiskies. The cheapest tasted was £69/70cl. The most expensive was £220/70cl. A limited edition 16yr old all from single fill American Oak casks and all from the same batch of casks. It was exceptional. The others were really good but the limited edition was orders of magnitude better.


Not sure if stars will align for you and Andy MCSOTA, but I aim to be in the Cairngorms Friday - Saturday so will try and catch you.
Should manage to self spot. Fraser has a flag raised for GM/ES-007 for a complete, anyone else need it?

Re average speed sections, it’s amazing how many people haven’t figured out how to use cruise control on them, surely most cars have it now?



I’m hoping to get to the summit of Morven tomorrow (Friday) for around 1030Z +/- probably +++ :slight_smile:

I’ve been including 40m SSB for UK chasers but conditions have been poor TBH. Though not helped by leaving the antenna mainly on the ground on one occasion.


I’m currently weighing up whether I need to abort Morven. My ribs/back are somewhat painful. I can stand and bend and pick up weights. But I can’t twist my body either standing or roll over in bed without someone sticking a knife into my sides and seeing stars :frowning: The shower I’ve just had helped but now all the pains are back.

At present it doesn’t strike me the actions of a sensible person to drive up to a remote lodge then walk 8km from the car into some of the most wild and uninhabited country in the UK with bad muscle/skeletal pain. Only places like Knoydart or Fisherfield are more remote. I really don’t want to get out there and then not be able to get back safe.

Confirmation after breakfast but it looks like this is the 3rd time Morven has beaten me. :frowning:


Right, too much gyp from my ribs so that’s all for this trip. Now setting off home. :frowning:


Really sorry to hear the ribs aren’t good abd you are having to abort the mission. Probably best to get yourself checked out when you get back, that is if you can cope with the wait in A and E… though my experience of the Scottish health care system is far far better than down here.

Have a safe trip home.

73, Gerald

P.S. I sincerely hope you haven’t caught the gremlin that seems to have been plaguing me on recent outings.


Good call Andy, it’ll still be there for next time.


I’ve been home 10mins and drove all 210 miles with the heated seat on. Much better after heat and no weight on my shoulders. This looks like 2 things, the initial impact and then me probably holding myself in a funny stance to minimise the twinges and pain, especially descending stairs or steps or Marilyns. I think some rest and gentle exercise is all that is needed.

The nice lady at the B&B would have refunded me my cancelled day except it was booked through so hey ho, no refund. I don’t mind that, it’s still no Morven that annoys!


Sorry to hear that Andy, but your body is telling you what you SHOULD do.
Sitting in the sunshine in Buckden “taking the waters”.


Hope you are feeling better Andy, and I’m also hoping that I don’t suffer a similar problem having managed to get 4 days in Perthshire organised next week with good wx set to continue. ( Last years Hebredian trip was limited with a sore ankle ). Perhaps we should look into specialist insurance - something catchy like Summit Health Insurance Travel with any pay out being in Malt…? (Medicinal of course - although some would say that my choice of Islay is only medicinal…)
73. Paul - at the moment all limbs functioning reasonably…


Good to hear you arrived home safely. Initially checked Alerts what you had planned for yesterday and saw none, so wonder if something was up?

However, I would have been pushed to Chase you as I had to pop down to Peebles to visit my old ‘maw’ (95yrs young) and was using Anne’s (GM4UXX) car to give it a run. And, as it was such a nice day, took the long way home via TRAQUIAR, St Mary’s Loch, (the GREY MARE’S tail was in fine flow - Tom/Jimmy :grinning:), Moffat, up the 74, home. Then to WoSARS (my amateur club) to give a repeat talk, I had given to Lanark Rotary - last Wednesday night (21st Aug), about my amateur radio experiences. Back home by 2330hrs. A full day - hi!

Until the next ‘chase’ - look after yourself.



Hi Jack,

Yesterday, a post went onto the RHB (Relative Hills of Great Britain) Facebook group of the Grey Mares hills with some photos and it was reported that the burn was unfortunately still not crossable.

The National Trust Volunteer was keen to show me how to work the ticket machine so ended up paying the £4 and got my ticket. It was only after I got my ticket that the National Trust volunteer asked where we were heading so I head White Coomb GM/SS-030 and were the told that the burn wasn’t crossable and it was very windy anyway so we ended up abandoning our plans for White Coomb GM/SS-030 in favour of lower summits instead. There was no possibility of getting the £4 refunded and I personally feel that we waste our money, but my dad Tom @M1EYP thinks it was a good donation to the National Trust for their advice about the burn not being crossable.

Jimmy M0HGY


Hi Alan, I saw your spot today on 2m but couldn’t hear you unfortunately, some big lumps of rock between us !
HF was a bit hit and miss today but still managed a few s2s whilst sitting in glorious sunshine on GM/SI-176 today.
Hope you got good weather too.

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Thanks for trying Andy.

Back home now and will get a wee write up and some pics.
Luckiest chaser award goes to Robin… :wink:

Hope you got/have some good weather. I am “a trifle tired” today.