I just lugged my HF kit onto several summits in the outer Hebrides for 3 days. Not one HF QSO in the Log. 2kg of dead weight.
Cant complain at all: , 2m saved the day and I saw this
I just lugged my HF kit onto several summits in the outer Hebrides for 3 days. Not one HF QSO in the Log. 2kg of dead weight.
Cant complain at all: , 2m saved the day and I saw this
I did a activation yesterday with about 20 QSOs.
Today I did two summits dm/bw-085 and dm/bw-147. I was able to make 9 contacts on the first and 5 on the second. I ran 80w from a ft891 into a efhw and was only on 20m and 40m. Never saw the bands so quiet and never gave so bad reports… but it is still worth going on a summit…
For those of us who missed them last night and were doubly miffed by all the superb photos on this reflector and in the media, apparently according to this news article [Please excuse the UK focus], we’ll get another chance tonight albeit it might not be so impressive.
It seems yesterday that I looked too early and need to wait until at least 22:30 BST.(2130utc). So, I’ll need to forgo my hot bedtime drink and slippers and try to stay awake until it’s really dark.
Or set the alarm for 2am
You mean my bladder …
Condx on 2 m were superb.
Activiation report will follow soon.
PS: The storm actually was G5.
I certainly hope so. My XYL heard about the aurora on the news, then promptly forgot about it and so she didn’t tell me! This morning I see photo after photo after photo on Facebook. What the heck?.. seeing an aurora is pretty much at the top of her bucket list. I’m beginning to wonder what is going on around here.
I climbed a nearby summit at 10.30pm on the isle of rum to view north and see them. Was disappointed, until I got back to the bothy at 11.15 pm BST and the show started. Most action was due east, west and south !! And started at 11.15 for me
Had to cool me down to take another round
Now I’m back in the ring to take another swing…
It’s back again! Ex-AR13664 (no new AR-number assigned yet) produced a decent X-class flare w/ CME. Still on the limb though, so not earth-directed. But it is amazing to see that the region is still active after all these days. Let’s see if it still will deliver when in an earth-facing position.
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