Geneva - A City Break with unexpected benefits

Only a really sad person would still have his United Network Command for Law and Enforcement (UNCLE) badge some 60 years later. Sadly, I do…! :rofl:


That bit of sixties memorabilia may be a bit value able now. They seem to got for around $50 US on eBay.

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Probably a lot more than I’d get for my Enid Blyton “Famous Five” badge, methinks… :grinning:


Indeed - apart from the fountain and intro music, Ms Bastedo is pretty much all I remember from the series. I would have been an impressionable lad of 13.


Marvelous series. I went to Portmeirion a few years ago -amazing place. I see they are having the 40th Prisoner Convention there in April.

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While we’re all living in the sixties. All the snow and cable cars last week put Mo in the mood for a movie. This is what we’re watching tonight.

And she gave me her cold, which has turned into the far worse Man Flu.


Back on thread. Had a similar trip a week or so ago - though just viewing SOTA peaks. Would highly recommend a trip to CERN to top off a geeky/tech break in Geneva. Easy access from the airport or city centre by tram or bus and free entry ! Be prepared to admit to yourself that you might not be the brightest person in the building though !


Sheridan, Cheers. That was on the list. We just didn’t get round to it. I hear they want to build an even bigger collider but it is coming up against some opposition due the the costs.

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The temptation to press the PTT and say: “Broadsword calling Danny Boy” can be overwhelming… :rofl:


They will need a lot of Viagra to power it.


Well, on reviwing the GoPro footage last night, I’d have to say it was extreme something! The sudden lack of oxygen certainly affected me and my voice seemed to go half way through the activation. I had a similar experience on (even higher) Mt.Evans last year, however two weeks later on Pikes Peak, experienced no such issues, having become acclimatised in that time.

Not something we ever have to consider in the UK, unless the tectonic plates give the Cairngorms a lift. Then I suspect we’d have bigger problems!


Hmm, I’ve got almost 20 years on you Fraser, so I need to think about it. Maybe just a CW activation so the chasers can’t hear me gasping my last. :joy:


Thank you Fraser for nice report.
While reading it, I felt like I was there together with you.
Paul @HB9DST always is ready to offer big help :heartpulse:
I would also like to return to Switzerland one day :wink:

73, Jarek


This is, with out a doubt, my most memorable SOTA activation. The Aiguille du Midi.


The pictures were spectacular, but the video brought to life the challenges you faced.
A great watch and good that everything worked out as planned.

73, Robert

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