G4YSS:G/NP-006 4m-Contest,Camp,Finn,15/16-07-21

Brilliant report, as usual, John. Evidently a very successful trip - apart from the above.
I think the missing callsign was probably M0JLA. Your signal was holding up well but my aerial (standard 80m G5RV) is not great at 160m. Not wanting to disrupt your activation with a poor transmission I waited until your replies were getting a bit sparse and when I called you were still a good 46 - and then nothing, you just vanished. Not even that little bit of change in the noise that lets one know that someone is transmitting. I listened on for a bit but still nothing. I assume that it was not just QSB but a slight increase in local noise just suffiicent to mask your signal. Very please to know that you did hear me and disappointed to leave you with a failed QSO. Before next time (?) I will investigate receive using my loop aerial (never tried on 160m) and see if that will cut down noise while favouring signals incoming from the North.

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