G4OBK's 1000th Unique Activation Summit

Congratulations Phil !
I have You 65 times in my activator logs - mni tnx !
All the best and stay well, Karl, OE5JKL

Congratulation Phil!
Hope to catch you on the summits.

73 take Care Michael

Simple Great

73 Armin

Congrats Phil, great achievement.

73 de EA5INS

Congrats, to this Great achievement,
73, Paul DL6FBK

Awesome! Congrats Phil.

Congrats, Phil, on this awesome achievement :champagne: :tada: :balloon:
I hope you further enjoy planning and travelling to new places!

73 Roman

Wow. What a great achievement, Phil.
I so far just did 8 % activations compared to you.
It must be great to look back to so many healthy activity in the nature. And I am sure you could talk days on experiences made during your activations. Looking forward to work you again

Klaus, DL2KL

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WOW…that is amazing…!!!

Congrats Phil!!


Well done @G4OBK Phil, that’s good going!

73, GW4BML. Ben

Well done Phil!

Good to meet you and Victor GI4ONL on Dumyat yesterday.

73 Rob GM3YTS


Well done Phil ! Great stuff !
Sorry I missed you.

73 Dave


Many congratulations Phil! Glad you made it.


Good Morning Everyone

Thanks everyone for your congratulations on reaching 1000 Uniques - I now need only five activations to make the 1000 SOTA Complete, my main target which I have been aiming for ever since the MT came up with the great idea of the SOTA Complete awards, which fits well for those of us who regularly activate and also chase as I do, whenever I am at home.

I’ve grown old like everyone does whilst SOTA Activating over a number of years. My interest in activating really started after I attended a presentation by the co-founder of SOTA, John Linford G3WGV at the RSGB HF Convention soon after SOTA was conceived. I started chasing occasionally after that, and felt that to give something back I needed to go activating, so I started doing that on a holiday in Scotland in 2005. I got distracted a little by taking part in Wainwrights On The Air (WOTA) between 2009 and 2012 in the Lake District, but whilst concentrating on activating the 316 Lakeland hills featured by Wainwright in his eight pictorial guides, I also activated at the same time, the 55 G/LD summits in the process.

One SOTA Completion I then concentrated on was completion all the English summits, having already chased them all. A solo trip down to the G/SE and G/SC and Cornwall with my XYL, got me England all chased and activated by 2014. I went back a few years later to collect the new locations for Hensbarrow Beacon and Muncaster Fell… I am still a long way from completing Wales, despite have them all chased for some years, but I feel with my now limited capabilities, that is something that I will not now achieve.

To accumulate 1000 uniques involves a lot of travelling and combining SOTA with holidays abroad. Fortunately I have an XYL who enjoys the outdoors and a degree of low risk fellwalking providing the weather is amenable, so Judy has accompanied me on many an activation, sometime with our terrier Treacle. I’ve tried to think back over the many activations I have done, many of which were solo expeditions, although many were also accompanied with the friends I have met through the great SOTA scheme when we activated from the same summit at the same time. I have tried to list them all, but I apologise if I have omitted anyone. If I have then please tell me and I will edit this list:

CT1DRB David
CT2IWW Paulo
DF2GN Klaus
2E0MIX Derek
2E0XYL Karen
G0VWP Terry
G3TQQ Dave
G4OOE Nick
G4WHA Geoff
G4YSS John
G6MZX Geoff
M0HQO Pete
M0PYG Geoff
GI4ONL Victor
OE9HRV Herbert
ON4UP Peter
ON6UU Frank edit*
ON6VI Rene edit*
ON6ZQ Chris
ON9CBQ Franz
OK1CZ Petr
N6JFD Jamie
SP9MA Jarek
SQ9OZM Marcin
VK2IO Gerard

Members of Ryedale Walking Group and Ramblers
The Ailsa Craig Crew (Many SOTA Hams - trip organised by Jimmy M0HGY 13/08/2009)
Several walking friends and family members who accompanied me

Thank you to you all and 73

Phil G4OBK


Congrats Phil,
That is a big number and a huge amount of diesel. Keep on trucking.


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Wow, simply amazing Phil ! You are one of very few SOTA folk who are equally prolific in activating and chasing. Well done. I hope you achieve your 1000 Completes soon.

73 Andrew G4AFI

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Hi Phil,

Here’s the list of SOTA activators on the Ailsa Craig GM/SS-246 trip which I organised back in 2009.

Myself Jimmy @M0HGY
My dad Tom @M1EYP
Yourself (Phil) @G4OBK
Jack @GM4COX
Robert @GM4GUF
Christine @GM4YMM
Allan @MM1BJP and his dad Jim
Nick @G0HIK
Geoff @G6MZX and his XYL Joan

Jimmy M0HGY


Brilliant day that was Jimmy, which I know you put a lot of work into - and it all went off perfectly. Was that our one-and-only joint activation with Phil?


Pics of that memorable day and all the activators via the link above, including, of course, the subject of this thread, Mr OBK!

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That was our only ever joint SOTA activation with Phil G4OBK dad, we have met him though plenty of times at Norbreck Rally.

Jimmy M0HGY