G/LD-058 by train

While the conversation is on transport and fishing poles. There has been a park and ride running from Nether Wasdale to Wasdale Head that will presumably run in the summer again. Shame it doesn’t link up with Ravenglass station.

OK, I’ve just done a bit of Google searching.

Decathlon want £2.99 for home delivery.

My nearest Decathlon is in Bolton apparently which is 50 miles away.

My nearest Asda is 17 miles away in Lancaster, which we occasionally go to. Decathlon want £2.49 to deliver to an Asda store. So basically saving 50p to do 34 miles in a car :slight_smile:

I think home delivery at £2.99 is the most sensible option, unless I’m doing a big food shop. Although I do deliver to Lancaster with work :thinking:



This doesn’t help Colin but I bought both mine in stores. The second was from Warrington and the first was probably from Leeds but might have been Sheffield.

My wife keeps telling me to get a bus pass. Problem is, it can take much longer on the bus than by car to get to G/LD destinations, which with short daylight hours this time of year can be a problem. On the other hand, I notice that the (Arnside) train can get up the Cumbrian west coast about as fast as one can drive on the Lake District roads round there.

Having watched a ‘slow tv’ documentary (fly-on-the-wall, no talkover, little or no edits) last year of the train journey from Barrow to Whitehaven, my wife and I want to do that trip (from Arnside) when the weather improves. Pity there are no SOTAs or WOTAs within easy walking from any of the stations en route.

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I got my 6m pole from Decathlon Telford and they had loads of them there in July 2021. I went to Decathlon Huyton this afternoon for something else and they didn’t have any telescopic poles at all, but it’s a smaller store.

It was also stopping at Ravenglass four times a day when running last year. Its a pity it doesn’t have better integration with the rail line, but it is a useful option to get up into Wasdale.

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Dare I say it on this site…but there is a POTA on St Bees head and Dent isn’t that far but I’d recommend a lift for that (locals can be bribed).

There is a bit of radio tourism to be had near Carlisle with the Anthorn site. Home of the MSF 60kHz time thingy.

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Is that a technical term?

I was dimly aware of the POTA scheme but it entered my consciousness only recently. It turns out that I actually live in one, Arnside & Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and that two of my local SOTAs are also POTAs. However, I can’t operate from the home shack - it has to be in a public place.

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Sounds quite technical to me. I can see the tower from my parent’s house.

I claimed this POTA from an activation of Arnside Knott in July 2006, however it doesn’t count as I only made 5 contacts and 10 are needed to get the credit Andy! There was a S I D during the period of my activation - only 4 contacts on 40m resulted, and one on 2m FM. Long before you moved to the area.

73 Phil G4OBK

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We can call it the long time thingy. To differentiate from GPS as a short time thingy. No idea how it works but I know it takes a while to get round it on a bike.