FT8 SOTA Day - Sunday 5th January 2020

Apart from me, I’ve only noticed a JA and a HB station on data this morning. The HB was on at the same time as me but on a different band. By the time I had an opportunity to change bands, I think the HB activator was QRT.

Plenty of contacts made from G/SP-001 on 80m FT8 though, and mostly recognised SOTA chasers. Now setting off up G/SP-004, so more FT8 SOTA in about an hour.

I will, naturally, focus on 80m FT8 again, with the added bonus of giving chasers a multiplier in the 2020 Flavours Challenge!

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I went not outside as I saw only your alerts. The 2 other FT8 stations sadly did not alert in advance. I will look for you now.

EDIT: On 14.080 lots of FT4 contest callers. Just enable Contest mode and your log will be filled within minutes.

Don’t see @M1EYP /P on 20 here. Nothing on 80 too.
But worked @N2YTF /P on W2/NJ-009. 20m FT8. That is my first chased NA summit.


20m FT8 is completely full here, better would be seperate QRGs only for SOTA.


I was out activating GW/NW-043 with FT8
Running 5w into a EFHW on a 4m pole still produced reasonable results on 20m with 4 contacts and another 2 contacts on 2m in 40 minutes.
The weather was bleak with strong gusts and a biting wind chill forcing us into the boffy shelter.
I also found a new problem with the wind shaking the condensation from the roof of the boffy onto my tablet causing problems with the touch screen😀
As mentioned before anybody that says FT8 on a summit is easy hasn’t done it.



Good day out activating. Could have done with more FT8 activators, but I ended up with a QSO that made the whole day worthwhile!

Kinder Scout G/SP-001

80m FT8: 10 QSOs
80m CW: 3 QSOs
80m SSB: 6 QSOs
2m FM: 5 QSOs

Shining Tor G/SP-004

80m FT8: 2 QSOs
20m FT8: 1 QSO
2m FM: 6 QSOs

…but that 20m FT8 QSO was S2S with Tom N2YTF/P on W2/NJ-009. Very satisfying!

Wx condx by this stage on Shining Tor were most unpleasant, but I was about to return to 80m to give the CW and SSB chasers a chance for their Challenge multiplier. Unfortunately I was a bit too heavy handed (yes, I know, it’s happened before) when closing a link and I snapped the wire. Game over.

The bad news was that I only had recorded 3 contacts on HF FT8 and hadn’t qualified the summit. The good news was that I had my 2m handie, and this reaped 6 QSOs in just 3 minutes!

That’s a start anyway. We should now plan another FT8 SOTA day.


Right. Same what I say. SSB/CW is much quicker.

I saw the QSO but only from N2YTF/P. Very good.

Yes, we should. I hope for propper alerts then and not for surprise FT8 activity only.

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I did a little late FT8 SOTA Day. It still was Sunday 5th January Pacific Standard Time, but it was already Monday, 6th January UTC time. I made 5 contacts - 3 on 30 Meter and 2 on 40 Meter bands.

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What a blast that was—but I do need to fine tune my WSJT-X setup. I didn’t have the MFJ-1234 ready in time so it was the netbook but what fun. So happy to work S2S with M1EYP/P and DK9JC!

54 contacts but my most important contact wasn’t on FT-8. It was 2m FM to my little 5 yr old at home with KC2JOS…my first contact with the first harmonic!

I ran 75 to 100w for about three hours and went through about 24ah. Signal reports were plentiful:

WX was 39 F and windy. It was basically a drive up summit so I brought all my cold weather gear—but forgot gloves!

I want to do this again—we should set a date…

Tom, N2YTF


Hi all
Nice reports on digit activation’s, :upside_down_face: wasn’t QRV !
Find this video on minimal hardware for digit mode can be used on SOTA like @DK9JC setup :wink:

73 Eric F5JKK