First SOTA Activation, W1/CR-001

Congrats on the activation, Andrew.
Be listening for you on the bands.

All Best, Ken

Congratulations Andrew. Sounds like you may have been bitten by the SOTA bug. I can say I worked several SOTA activations over the years with Steve/WG0AT and never got interested. Then a friend WF4I/Derek got me interested and I was off on the chase. I made an attempt at my first activation on Grandmother Mtn W4C/EM-022 and when I got to the top my radio would not transmit. I had to go home 4 1/2 hour drive and reset my radio. I did go two weeks later and drive with the 4WD up to the top and then activate finally. I kept a journal of all my activations and they are fun reading later down the road. A thought for you as someone else said. Also I learned that the parend fed antenna and a vertical suited me well with my KX3. With the Corona lockdown I am missing some good weather to go activate but I am patient and ready to go again. It means staying at a motel up there somewhere and they are all closed. I could camp but not a chance with parks closed.
So I patiently wait. Make the best of it an I wait to make my first contact with you. Enjoy. It is a great hobby.
de John Paul // AB4PP