Field-shortening a 40m Half-wave for 30m

Sorry to be late to reply on this topic. I broke my wrist in a bicycle wreck, and I’ve been digging through old posts to relieve the boredom!

I have rolled my antenna wire out to resonance for years. I spent an afternoon with the wire and analyzer to find the proper lengths, then tied knots at those points for easy repeatability.

I use the full length for 40, 20, 15 and 10m. Then I put knots at the 30, 17 and 2m points. Yep, it works 2 meters also. Just hang it vertical. 147 mhz is the 21st harmonic of 7 mhz, so the full length wire will work 2 meters, but it’s horizontal.
A 40 meter dipole works pretty well for 2 meters too.

Coiling the wire up does create a “cap hat” at the end, but I haven’t had any issues with it.

It’s an easy way to get more use from one wire, without traps or links. Saves weight and space, but you have to almost redo the antenna for the extra bands.

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