Welcome and congrats on your CW skills! You are entering a hobby that you will enjoy for many, many years.
I am also a KX2 user. You got one of the best radios for SOTA that’s available (in my opinion)! You have the internal tuner which is excellent. I do not know for which items you are still waiting, but I would try to get a bigger antenna up. get yourself a glass-fibre pole (fishing rod) of about 6-8 m, a few tent pegs and some string. The exact length of the pole is not critical. I have good results with simple wire dipoles made from speaker cable. The KX-2 can tune 2x 7m with 7m of feeder on all bands from 40m to 10m. For 60m I use 2x 14m and 8m feeder. The optimum length for such dipole antenna has been discussed here: Random length multi band dipole (with ATU)
External microphones can be found at amazon. This has been discussed here: Alternative KX2 microphone?
Hope to hear you soon!
73 Heinz, OE5EEP