Hello Folks,
Today 22/03/2020 i noticed 2 activations from french summits.

As it is illegal to be out since the 17th of march.

I just wish to request all chasers NOT to QSO French Sota activity until the end of confinement.

73 and take care,
from Gerald F6HBI


Hallo to all,
It is really pity that the rules and procedures are seen not to be followed.
I just remind you that people have to stay at home in order to avoid more contamination of COVID-19.
It is just recommanded to go out home no more than 500m.
Police gave today a lot of penalties to those who try to find a way to go thought.
So, during this period we should not see no one on a french summit.

Here is the official décret : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000041728476&categorieLien=id

Thanks for your understanding
Best regards and stay at home QSOing colleagues.