Electronic Logging and remote logbooks

Good morning,

When on a summit I use a paper and pencil, but QSO’s are then inserted in Luxlog when back home.
When activating /p (WFF, castle …) I use small laptop. the battery has 3 hours of life. The laptop could easily be carried in the rucksack but would only add to the weight.

Electronic logbook is Luxlog by Norby LX1NO because it has a unique feature to keep track of your awards, it is very user friendly and still free. Merci Norby !!

I just started LOTW but can’t really comment on it yet. A bit complicated before you can actually upload any QSO’s. We’ll see how it goes. E-qsl only for my SWL call, and almost only used for U.S. stations as the paper QSL don’t seem to get to the U.S. hams, or they are just not interested.

73, Peter