Do you fix your antenna to the summit cross?

I’ve activated that summit three times Paul. Apart from other hams (DF2GN, DM7RM) and glider people in the distance. The only other person I’ve seen up there, was a Shepherd (all 3 times).

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Reminds me at Hummelsberg DM/BW-228… is it?

73 Armin

Yes Armin, 10/10 Hummelsberg. Nice view of the Lemberg from there. A nice weizenbier in the Klippeneck hotel afterwards :+1::+1::+1:

Well she had an excuse - she was a Glaswegian. :grin:

You don’t mention their darn dogs that trample your coax, your rig and hunt for food in your backpack. :angry:

From all the veneration that the DM summits are getting, I suppose I’d better book a ferry. :grinning:

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Better do it quickly - you might need a visa soon.

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Another issue is the people who wants take a pic with the cross or the trig point, they prefer make It alone, I supose.

I always fit my rod un a trig point or iron Cross, It is for a no more than 1:30-2 hours and I don’t think It is a sacrilege.

There is a summits without nothing no fit the fishing rod, then, I use a sotabeams guying piece to fit three lines .

I agree with what has been already said. IIRC, I used the summit cross only three times when I was absolutely sure no one else would reach the summit while I’m there (very remote place, difficult ascent, including climbing). Usually I try to keep away from the crowded cross/ trig point and set up some distance away.
There is yet another reason for not using the summit cross: Some of them are large and have lightning rods attached or are even made of metal. It would not be a good idea to attach a vertical antenna to a large vertical conductor.

73, Roman - DL3TU

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I’ll check that for you when I’ll activate this summit the next time :slight_smile:

I know it was off-topic but that was my (not very funny) joke about the French authorities taking so long to permit radio amateurs in France access to the 60m band.

They even quoted from a famous French fable telling French amateurs to be patient …

As far as I know France still does not have 60m - what a pity.