Yes I can understand that. But the buzz you get when you get through is better than the first time you shoot up heroin.
OK seriously. There’s an amazing buzz but it can be stressful. But I will echo the words of SOTA’s much missed friend and one time leading chaser, Roy G4SSH, who finally convinced me to go on the air. “Andy, just go and call on CW, people wont care if your sending is ropey or if you make silly mistakes, they wont care if you ask them to QRS or repeat. They just want the points.” He was right. Oh was he right. Being able to have CW QSOs on an activation completely re-energised amateur radio for me. I’m still not very good now, but 12 years on I get a buzz from a good CW activation.
There will be chasers who will do their best to help you have a QSO with them. There will be some who try to make up for their less than impressive manliness by trying to work you at 35+ wpm and showing off their machine gun sending. Ignore the people who make it hard and work the people who are trying to make it easier for you.
Nike mode Andy “Just do it.” You can read my fist time calling CW from GM/NS-020.