CT7/G4OBK/P Algarve

FB Gerald. Setting off soon for Tevira on old road calling at AL-003 en route. It suits the XYL who can read her book in the car while I operate. Cloudy / sunny today with chance of thunderstorm so hope we an avoid that. If it comes around 1100 may postpone until we are on our way back to Carvoeiro.

73 Phil

Hi Phil,

Thanks for CT/AL-003 today, 30m seemed better than yesterday but 20m was much worse. As previously 17m appeared to be the better band to G. When I switched on to 30m this monring I found a local sproggy on 10.118 so had resigned myself to not working you on that band. Thankfully you chose 10.115 which was clear at my location, you were better on that band today than yesterday & it was nice to hear Roy G4SSH work you on that band.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday & thanks very much for contributing to a very enjoyable & productive weekend of chasing :smile:

Thanks & best 73,

Mark G0VOF

Unfortunately I was out when you were activating AL-003 - c’est la vie! Congrats on activating all the Algarve summits in one go - I took 2 years over them as my pass-out was limited each time. Will be back there later this month, but no radio this time around
 just more Pork Alentejo to look forward to. :slight_smile: I hope you leave some sun for my XYL as well.

73, Gerald G4OIG

Thanks for the summits Phil.

Didn’t catch you on all of them but whenever I did, you will know from my reports, that your setup was working very well indeed.

Also many thanks for being consistent in timings, frequency and sequencing - helps a lot :sunglasses:

Best wishes

Nice one Mark, yes 30m better today, maybe helped by climbing up the 5m high trig point and mounting the pole much higher. 10118 was taken by David G3RDQ on NP-015, my first QSO from AL-003.

Well Gerald you did better than me when you were activating this region. I only got you on 4 out of the 9. You can’t let SOTA chasing rule your life hihi

OK Mike - thanks for being there almost every time I moved to sideband, Mark G0VOF did that also, when he wasn’t at work. Timings were guesswork, hard to do with XYL Judy in tow, she puts up with me and SOTA
 she enjoys the walking not the waiting. We only missed lunch one day, but managed a Magnum lolly between summits that day. Beer and sandwiches in CafĂ©s other days and we never left the hotel before 10.15 am.

It would be an easy task to cover all 9 summits in 3 days - four summits with road access, two easy summits, and three involving some effort, none difficult.

The only station I believe I worked on all nine summits was Terry G0VWP in York. Quite a few other stations made it on 8 out of 9 summits.

Total QSO count was 369, on CW 205 and SSB 164.
QSOS on Bands:

30m 44 (disappointing band)
20m 201
17m. 124

73 Phil

Hi again Phil,

As primarily a weekend chaser I am very grateful for the summit’s I worked you on over the past two days. Some calls do stand out as being regularly in your log over this weekend & Terry G0VWP is one of them. I don’t recall hearing him much on your CW QRG’.s but on SSB he was pretty much there on every one as far as I recall.

Well done Terry :smile:

On a similar note, it was nice to hear many chasers giving CW a try, although maybe a bit nervous at first. If you can read a station, then give them a call. At first, you may be nervous & find that your receive speed drops away once you try sending, but take it from me, you will improve :slight_smile:

The nerves will disappear & eventually you will start to enjoy Morse the way those experienced ops told you about 30/40/50 years ago when you were first starting out.

Anyway, thanks again Phil es Judy, & I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip :smile:

Very Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

No chance of that Phil, though Steve INK did say that he thought that I was morphing into a Chaser. All in the interest of Completes you understand
 and working friends on summits of course. Doubly attractive in those instances!!!

Well done Terry - on SSB as well. I couldn’t hope to fight my way through the local QRM on that mode, though I did hear you several times on SSB Phil after I had worked you on CW. No use wasting time attempting a second contact of course.

73 and thanks for activating the Algarve summits Phil. I enjoyed them - I hope you did too. Certainly different to GM. :slight_smile:

Gerald G4OIG

I’ve found 30m to be very poor my last two activations. I wasn’t sure if it was the new antenna being a lemon or conditions but something needs more work.

On my recent outing, I only experienced one day when 30m conditions were poor and then only in the middle of the day. Otherwise, the number worked ranged between 14 and 27 and the band provided 253 of the 394 contacts made during the week. By contrast, 20m produced just 102 contacts, but it was always used after 30m.

When I activated the Algarve summits I used 20m in preference to 30m as it generally provides better propagation into Europe. Having said that, I occasionally work the States on 10MHz from the summits.

I wouldn’t squeeze your lemon just yet

73, Gerald G4OIG

Hi Andy and Gerald,

I think the poor 30m performance in my case was down to the time of day when I was operating. Also being in southern Europe doesn’t help on the lower bands. When I’m in Mallorca next April I’ll adopt the same strategy I think.

You’ll be pleased to know the sun has returned to the Algarve Gerald after another misty start to the day. We went to Silves looking around the restored castle and catholic church this morning and then Lagos this afternoon, you’ve probably been. It was full of property agents shops aimed at Brits I thought, and a very big marina for the yatchee types.

73 Phil