Congratulations to the chasing machine EA2DT!

Congratulations Manuel.
I’m happy to be part of your success.
This year we will do more activations in Brazil, hoping to hear from you again.


That is superb Manuel! Congratulations :confetti_ball:


Hi Manuel,

You are first time in my log on July 18, 2012.
For SOTA first chase was on November 11, 2014

WOW :astonished:

Thank you and welcome mor and more times :beers:

Chapeau bas :champagne:

I hope to meet You in person one day :wink:

73, Jarek


Hi Manuel,

Congratulations on reaching this amazing milestone!

Needless to say, you’re my #1 chaser and it’s always nice to hear a familiar voice, especially when I’m far away from home.

Have fun and 73, Stephan

Congrats Champion!!

Living in the same city about a kilometer apart on a straight line it’s frequent that I meet by chance with Manuel on air, when we both tune the same frequency to chase the same activator. Many times we log him/her in a row, one after the other, and we use to hold in the frequency just to confirm we both got the activator and then we separate with a brief “cheers” or a couple of dits to say goodbye.

In the other hand, when I’m the activator, I rarely miss Manuel, even when the skip distance is short and a contact is difficult for us, but despite the struggle, we get it in the end as Manuel is patient enough.

Thanks for all these moments, when I don’t meet you on air I feel something is wrong!
Take care and enjoy with “a few” more.

73 Un abrazo


Congratulations Manuel and thank you for your support.

It feels special when I make contact with a friend, this is part of the joy of SOTA for me.

We have spoken many times, but only briefly. We are unlikely ever to meet in person. But you have become a friend to many us: A friend that we walk up hills to talk to.

Kevin, MW0KXN


Congratulations Manuel :ok_hand::partying_face: keep up the good work! Great achievement - always a pleasure working you when on a summit!

73, Ben

Congratulations to Manuel EA2DT who’s my top chaser and easily recognisable in any pile-up :partying_face: :wink:


vy 73 de Alex, OE5LXR

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Woow! :raised_hands:
What a dedication as chaser by Manuel :slight_smile:

Congratulations Manuel EA2DT. It’s always a pleasure working on a summit!

Congratulations Manuel @EA2DT. When I hear you, I know my activation will be a success. Looking forward to the future QSOs.

Congratulations Manuel…many times in my logs

73 Allan

I wonder how many hundreds of activators have Manuel in the first ten of their table of top chasers?


And how many have Manuel as their number one chaser?
PS. I’m expecting some @MM0FMF database magic…

Congrats Manuel,
There are few of my activations in the past 5 years that do not include you in my logs on 30m CW. My thanks for your stoic chasing. What a star, 500,000 Qs, that is a lot of electricity.
Just looked, EA2DT, 213 Qs, 4th on my list of chasers.
David G0EVV

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Congratulations, Manuel! Fantastic achievement. Thank you for all the contacts over the years. So easy to pick you out of a CW pileup. By far my #1 chaser, 355 QSO’s and counting.

73, John, EI3KA

Yes, Manuel is exactly my 10th most frequent chaser and, somewhat surprisingly, Roy, G4SSH, my 2nd most frequent with almost twice as many QSOs.

Something to smile about for me, Manuel has also contacted me several times in recent years when I was only calling cq while experimenting with antennas to get RBN spots (possibly because Manuel used the /P trigger in the HamAlert tool of his namesake @HB9DQM). In order not to disappoint him, I then only used the suffix /P in my cq calls when I was actually at a SOTA summit and could give him the points.

That is why I would not call someone, somewhat derogatorily, a machine, but rather a virtuoso user of “machines” :wink:

And of course I also hope to continue to welcome Manuel, EA2DT, as a loyal chaser.


That is a LOT of chasing!
COngrats Manuel…
John, K6YK

this can’t be true… sq9not/sq9mdf