Chris DL1CR has over 10,000 S2S points

WOW! Thats incredible!


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Thank you again for the support :hugs:, which motivates me a lot.
Despite the unusual conditions, the score today was 10494 :blush:
73 Chris


Lieber Chris
Ganz herzliche Gratulation zu deinem Erfolg! Da ich auch gerne S2S-QSOs mache, weiss ich sehr wohl, wieviel Geduld und Betriebstechnik es braucht,
um durch die Chaser-Pile-up mit teilweise Linears hindurch zu kommen. Viele Aktivierer machen Quantität (Anzahl QSOs) und du machst Qualität (Anzahl S2S-QSOs). Bleib bei deiner Strategie und mach weiter so. Bis zum nächsten S2S-QSO es 73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

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Don’t be shy, what you’ve been doing lately in your situation regarding the distance to highly rated SOTA summits has been done by others long before you.

For example, Elliott K6EL activated 754 summits in 10 SOTA years and only totaled 117 activator points - at a respectable 25’595 s2s points.

So keep it up and have fun with it.

73, Heinz


Hallo Chris,
auch von mir ein etwas verspäteter Glückwunsch zu dieser hervorragenden Leistung. Super ! :wave:
10.000 S2S-Punkte kann man nur mit viel Geduld, Ausdauer und einer guten Betriebstechnik erreichen. Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich Dich in einem S2S-QSO bzw. als Chaser treffe, schätze Deine freundliche Art und hoffe auf viele weitere nette Verbindungen mit Dir.
Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Freude bei unserem gemeinsamen Hobby und vor allem bei SOTA!

Beste 73 de Clemens | DD2TC


What an honor to be in the top ten of S2S.
73 Chris :blush:


CONGRATULATIONS Chris :champagne:
Thank you for your S2S calls :exclamation:

73, Jarek

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Nice Chris that you made it into the top ten with this selection criterion.
That will definitely motivate you for something more, hi.

I gave up uploading my Activator logs to the DB last November.
Nevertheless, my s2s score is still among the top ten in the ranking list that is decisive for me as a cw enthusiast, hi.

73 gl, Heinz


CW is ruling Heinz :wink:
I have more and more QSOs on CW with activators who before used only SSB, including Chris @DL1CR of course :wink:

73, Jarek

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Yes, it’s fun to see that the cw community is still growing today.


I can confirm that. Sota specially S2S in CW is twice the fun.

But a spot in CW on a busy band is more difficult and my next challenge.

73 Chris :grimacing:





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Congratulations Chris! :slight_smile: I feel privileged to be one of those S2S contacts :rofl: hope we can make more in the future!

73, GW4BML. Ben

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Congratulations Chris,
I was very pleased last Saturday, when you called me in CW for a S2S qso, while I was operating the special call EG2UNA for a EA2 SOTA event. It was a special qso!

Glad to log you every time!
73 Ignacio


Congratulations Chris on your 10k S2S points milestone.

73 Andrew VK1AD

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Congrats Chris
Thx for the S2S QSOs last week. How to hear you soon again. All the best


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Hallo Chris,
auch von mir verspätete Glückwunsche zum Erreichen der 10.000. Inzwischen sind es ein paar mehr, so dass ich auch zur Plazierung in den Top 10 der Weltliste für 2022 gratuliere. Vielen Dank für viele Verbindungen ob S2S oder auch als chaser. Weiterhin viel Erfolg!
73, Paul DL6FBK

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Hello Chris,
my congrats and thank’s for so many S2S-QSO’s!
Itś a good thing, doing ham-radio in your own way and for your satisfaction, keep it up!

73, Gerhard

Congratulations for that fine achievement.
I got my licence in 1987. So I speak with some experience. In radioamateurism one can find many interesting ways to be active.
What I want to say is that in SOTA and inside SOTA the activators: one can find the very best operators of the radio amateur community worldwide
Their operational quality is astonishing.
They deal extremely skillfull with:
Pileup, weak signals, superfast getting complete callsigns and so on and that often under averse weather conditions.
Last but not least they are superb QRP operators.


Thank you again for the many congratulations.

For me, dealing with the challenges at Sota can’t be beat. Suitable antennas for summits, radios as small and light as possible and the special operating technology, simply brilliant.

And the many nice operators, I think you only find that in Sota.

73 Chris