Chena Ridge - Alaska

Hello SOTA,

Nothing real exciting here but still a wonderful time! There is to much snow in the big mountains to do much, its melting quick! Im just getting over a cold and still not 100%. Lots of couch potatoing around the house for days trying to get feeling better, today I had to get out!

I decided to take the mountain bike to the summit from my house, I brought a Xiegu 6100, Chameleon 3.0 mag loop, and a SOTA Beams band hopper. Tried 20M on the band hopper with no success (bad propagation) then tried 17M on the loop, no joy. Switch to 15M Boom there it was! This was my first time making voice contacts on a loop, I have used them for digital with some success in the past but I am rather impressed with its performance today!

Expect so see me a lot more in the very near future with bigger summits, longer write ups, more pictures, and more contacts. Thanks WW7D, WB6POT, W6TDX, and N0WAE!
Photos are in chronological order starting with a bike and finishing with a beer and reflector post :beer:


I was following your spots hoping to work you, but no such luck. Looks like an enjoyable activation.

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Thanks for trying, hopefully next time!

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