Can you log a S2S when entering an activator log?

Also with ADIF. I use FLE as it produces an ADIF file to upload to SOTA and then import into Log4OM.

Thanks, I understand now. I might have done this wrongly once or twice.

I must have a look through my few activations and compare with the S2S records for anything missing.

I now upload an adif file from FLE so this won’t be an issue for those activations.

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There is an application that will run on almost anything… it’s called FLECli. You enter your log using whatever text editor you like (I personally use vim because I’m old school and have been using it since the 80’s). After that you run FLECli on your .log file and this generates the CSV or ADIF file that you can upload to SOTAData.

Glad to see more folks realizing how awesome FLE is. FLE is the most efficient way to capture logs if you like to log on paper. Another shout out to @DF3CB and @ON4KJM for creating these great tools!



Thats right if you are scoring an S2S you are chasing the other summit and Activating your summit to give him/her the chase of yourself. Sounds like something Ronny Barker would say but I hope its clear.
vk5cz …


I might have discovered a niche issue with this method.
Today I had a summit to summit contact with the same operator on the same summit but on two different band.
I log these as two seperate contacts so I can see whether I’ve chased a summit on a particular band, and because the other operator might need confirmation that they activated it on that band.

When I exported the ADIF from FLE, and uploaded to the database it was rejected because the S2S had already been logged (I think that was the error message). I suspected it was the double contact on different bands so I deleted the S2S from one of the contacts and it uploaded fine.
I then manually logged the other contact as a chase/S2S and didn’t receive any errors.

If I log a S2S with two different operators on the same summit and same band (as happened yesterday), the ADIF file uploads fine.

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I’ve logged two S2S with the same station on two different bands using FLE and ADIF with no problems. If this happens again you need to note the exact error message and save the ADIF file so the problem can be fixed.

This rejection happens if you log the two bands with the same time. This often happens when M6BWA/P and I exchange contacts doing 2m and 70cm with only seconds between them. A solution is to make sure the contacts are logged on different minutes.
There may well be other reasons but this one has been catching us out from time to time.

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I seem to recall I have had the system reject a log when the times of 2 QSO’s are in the same minute or if the QSOs are not in date/time order (my CSV editor deals with always saving them in date/time order).