Boats on the Air

If the lake has a beach it could be a SOTA/BOTA/BOTA/POTA activation.


Also Beacon Hill GW/MW-009…

Would water wings count as being afloat…?

It can’t be both BOTA and BOTA - that’s impossible.

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Tom, your activation doesn’t count. You were on a ship, not a boat. :smile:

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Boats on the Air says:

So if the boat is on the beach is that not moored or alongside? And so the activation could be both.

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Does this mean it has to be a VLF activation to count?


Therefore SOTA.


Taking a snorkel, we could start “Submarine On The Air”, then it would be possible to have SOTA and SOTA to SOTA and SOTA Qs
And if the Beaches extended below water level, and submarine counted as a boat, we could have
Sigh, when does the bonus period start again…?


This thread is turning into a November Classic
Meanwhile it is hammering it down outside. Just pleased I am not on my way down from a summit. :joy:


My favourite local activation site (although I’ve not yet been there):

Tyrwhitt Peak (ZL3/OT-493), upon which is located Arethusa Pool (ZLL/0015) on Mou Waho Island (ZLI/OT-025) which is itself a park - Mou Waho Scenic Reserve (ZLP/OT-213) and lies within Lake Wanaka (ZLL/0830). The whole palimpsest is on New Zealand’s South Island (OC-134 or ZLI/ZZ-175). If you’re really after them all, the grid square is RE45mk!

Given the 500m proximity rule for ZL-Lakes award, you can simultaneously activate all 6.

Sadly, I just checked the limit of the summit activation zone and the lake itself is just outside it, so you could not claim the summit from a boat on a beach on the lake to make the exchange of references really tedious. But still, take a spare battery, I reckon.


Wrong. “Alongside”, in this context, is defined. The vessel is still sitting on water if moored or alongside. If sat on a beach, it cannot be underway, moored or alongside.

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OK/OK-060 comes to mind, and it’s a 10 pointer!
Unfortunately the lake is artificial and part of a hydroelectric power station; I doubt you can take a boat on it!


Wow !!! - surreal !

Does this mean it has to be a VLF activation to count?

You could try. I suppose you could use an ex military submarine towed/surface antenna?

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Not sure that would go down well with serving or ex submariners as they always refer to submarines as boats - not subs. - So BOTA is OK. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


PS Yes I’m looking forward to the bonus season- some mild wx before xmas would get me my MG award.


There is just one OTA missing from that scenerio Matt. It doesn’t have a much needed lighthouse on the island!!
Then one could do SOTA, POTA, LOTA, LOTA & IOTA!! Could you take your kayak to add a BOTA?
Maybe two spare batteries needed?
Oh. I see a local has activated the summit. :rofl:

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Same seems to be the case for DM/TH-012.
73, DIZ


A kayak is definitely NOT a boat, nor is it a canoe, although some canoeists do refer to their canoe as a boat. - some of the kayak & Canoe fraternity get upset if you confuse the two types of watercraft. Ao we could have KOTA for the Kayakers and COTA for canoeists.

This is a canoe - (me on the Thelon River in the far northern reaches of Canada).

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Always listening, but don’t expect a reply :wink:



As the winter bonus period slowly approaches, I expect to see more of these burning questions asked on the reflector, it is the SOTA equivalent of the “silly season”!

Are we there yet Brian? :grin:

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