Beacon part of bands

Good point regarding possibility of there being fewer RBN skimmers listening high. This is just a quick one-off test, but:

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There are some skimmers active higher up (which is a whole lot better than none!), but sure looks like the low end of the band has rather more, unless there was a very sudden change in propagation…

It may be argued that the beacon segment is only a gentleman’s agreement and not a regulation.


Anyone operating in the beacon segment is by their action clearly not a gentleman.

The best way to keep the beacon segment clear for beacons - there are lots there- is to not work the offenders.



Of course, in USA, it’s not just Technicians. General, Advanced & Extra are also prohibited from transmitting SSB below 28300 by the FCC, not by gentleman’s agreements. There you go, ZS! The most compelling argument so far - no Yanks in your logs! :slight_smile: Well, except the numpties that don’t even know the regs they memorised to pass their exams…

Hi Ron,
Going back to the original post - the complaint was about an SSB transmission, not in the exclusive beacons part of the band, but rather the shared all-mode part, where some people run beacons and it is the “preferred” area for “non-official”? beacons (by that I mean, not the ones that are part of the international network of beacons - which are in the exclusively reserved area for beacons.

I’m sure however, had the ZS SSB station been told that he was on the same frequency as a beacon in Italy, he would have moved.

73 Ed.

I think people hearing QRM brings more people onto the band.

It’s worked for me on 6m and 23cm (and 70cm) a few times on activations where others have ‘seen something on the waterfall’ or were “just scanning around” and heard someone so stopped for a QSO.

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