Antenna for Snowdon?

In reply to M0RCP:

My interpretation of the rule is that you can claim points for an activation from a particular summit only once per year. If you activate it more than once in the year, and if one of the activations is during the bonus period, then you claim for THAT activation (including the bonus points), but not for the other activation(s).

I.e. you still claim for only ONE activation of the summit, but you are allowed to claim for whichever activation carried the higher points score.

Is this not right?

Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to G1INK:

I got it now. Little bit slow as usual :wink:

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

In reply to G3NYY:

Is this not right?


The database should figure it out and if you activate a 2pt hill outside the bonus period and then again during the bonus the database should should show the first activation being worth 2pts + 0pts bonus and the second as 0pts + 3pts bonus. If you activate the same hill for the first time during the bonus and then again outside the bonus you’ll see 2pts + 3pts in the database for the first time and 0+0 the second time. You don’t get to elect which gets the points. Of course it doesn’t matter which activation shows the points as there are, in this example, only 5 points available no matter how they are allocated.

I know I’ve seen other peoples activator entries showing 0 + 3 scores in the past. If it’s not working now then either the database has got bitrot, a common malady affecting perfectly working software, or something has changed.


In reply to MM0FMF:

I know I’ve seen other peoples activator entries showing 0 + 3 scores
in the past.

Yes, you are right. There are several examples of 0+3 scores in G4RQJ’s record.

As you say, it makes no difference where the activation points are applied … for any summit in each year you can only be awarded one set of activator points and a maximum of one bonus.

73 de G3NYY

In reply to G3NYY:

23/Dec/2007 G/SP-007 (Fair Snape Fell) G1INK/P 43 0 3 2182

In reply to G3CWI:

In my case

03/Feb/2008 F/AB-335 (Pic de la Corne) F5VGL/P 2 0 0 207

So that activation failed for me. If I had done a second activation same year on the same summit, I could not have claimed the +3 points?

I recall that HB9AFI went there later and I did an other new summit.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

In reply to F5VGL:

Jaakko - that activation failed for you because you made only 2 contacts. If you activated that summit again in 2008 & made 4+ contacts you would be awarded 8 points (+3 points if in bonus period).

In reply to G1INK:

Jaakko - that activation failed for you because you made only 2
contacts. If you activated that summit again in 2008 & made 4+
contacts you would be awarded 2 points (+3 points if in bonus period).

Right except that this summit is 8 points plus optional 3 points.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

In reply to G0IBE:

Mine will be a simple activation, 2M SSB possibly followed by 2M FM,
and it sounds like the MFD will be the easiest option. It will be a
midweek activation, so I am conscious that I might be fine for
contacts, but could struggle. Time on summit will be limited by
walking partners patience.

Hi Richard,

Many congratulations on your GW/NW-001 activation today. Thanks for the S2S QSO!

Your signal with the 5 watts and the MFD was excellent in Gloucestershire. I also heard you working GM4GUF/P for another S2S. Taking into account the wintry conditions, you were very deservous of the bonus points!

Walt (G3NYY/P)