So there was a lot to take in here. I’ve spent too many hours researching all of this stuff, especially the variations in antennas. It’s kind of overwhelming as someone who is new, which makes me tend towards buying the cheapest options and learning with that.
As far as what bands to use, I think I’ve decided I want to focus on 20m, maybe 15m as well based on Google / what Ron VK3AFW said.
For the antenna, I’m thinking to start with a PAR EFHW 20m antenna. It’s resonant so I shouldn’t need a tuner or counterpoise. Should only need a mast, mast support, and some coax. Thinking to buy the SOTABeams Carbon-6m mast and set it up as a sloper or inverted V. Eventually I could upgrade to a Packtenna or build my own random wire set-up (likely 9:1 UNUN + 41’ radiating element wire + 17’ wire counterpoise). The antennas are pretty cheap (especially DIY) so I’m not too concerned about buying another one in the near future.
As far as radios, I’ve ruled out the Xiegu G90. Mainly because it’s decently heavy + expensive, Radioddity won’t ship to Alaska, and Ham Radio Outlet will only privately quote me shipping so I can only guess that’s expensive too. Getting batteries here is a pain, unfortunately.
Like I said, since it’s my first radio other than a handheld, I’m debating starting cheap and going with the used FT-818nd, no tuner, no external amp, no external battery, and just seeing if I have any success with the 6W provided. Would still plan to try to acquire some N0SA or other CW paddles and learn. Altogether it’s ~$700 and weighs ~1.5kg
Alternatively, the KX2 @10W costs ~$2k and weighs ~900g (incl. paddles, mic, case, battery, charger, ATU).
If I buy the FT-818nd and 6W + no-tuner doesn’t cut it then I’ve basically wasted $700. If it doesn’t work in that configuration I don’t think I’m willing to add on a tuner, tuner power source, amplifier, amp power source, etc. and lug that along with all of the non-radio gear. Starts to take the fun out of things to add that much weight and complexity.
If the 818 does work then I perhaps save the $1300 difference of the KX2.
Still ruminating the decision I suppose. Will post again when I actually make a purchase lol. Still open to any new advice in the meantime