Accusation of Cheating

Note that a thread has been deleted. Accusations of cheating with all relevant evidence should be made to the MT, this evidence will be considered on its merits. Discussion on the Reflector is bound to become partisan and heated, and is best avoided. Further posting on this topic will be removed.

My apologies for not intervening earlier, I was removing a decayed shrubbery.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD: you quoted
Accusations of cheating with all relevant evidence should be made to the MT, this evidence will be considered on its merits.

Hello Brian, where have you been,
The MT have known about this video since Sunday night 17/05/2009, As well as the photo’s.
Steve m0sgb

In reply to M0SGB:

I know that, Steve, I am reinforcing the ground rules.

This thread is now closed.


Brian G8ADD