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It’s amazing how typing with your left hand affects sending with
your right hand, but it sure does with me. I had to practice a lot
to log with left hand and send with right hand in contests. And
it works pretty well. I’m talking about with a real keyboard, don’t
know if I could do it with an i-pad or any touch screen device.
Those devices don’t always react when you touch something
on the screen, at least in my experience.
John, K6YK


Hi John, yes it is certainly something that needs to be practiced. I think it’s like juggling, you need to make a lot of mistakes and have lots of practice before your brain can manage the dual tasks (there are some who say that males can barely manage one task, but I won’t reveal who those people are), then finally it apparently becomes easier. Today I was stabbing at the screen with left hand while sending with the right, I didn’t make too many mistakes on the sending but I typed some impossible callsigns. This is on a small 7” tablet running the VK Port-a-log app, fortunately my most frequent prefixes are on some quick keys so I mostly just have to enter suffixes. I need a quick callsign key that is preset to ZL1BYZ and others for VK2IO and VK3PF. Have to find a way to do that… maybe talk with Peter about it.

Had some nice signals from NM and AZ on 17m today around 2340.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH