That was also my career.
As a child, I loved my grandmother’s old tube radio. I found the green magic eye exciting, and the many buttons for shortwave, the engraved places on the glass of the dial… and the many distant stations.
When I was 12, I had a handheld CB radio… and at 16 (1977) I had my first licence (call: DC4AK) for VHF…
However, until recently I didn’t even know that CB radio still existed.
Absolutely! While I’m not impressed with some of the the CB activity I’ve heard, if anyone’s doing anything interesting with it it’s great.
Actually, a UHF CB was the first 2-way radio I ever used… which eventually led me to amateur radio.
73 Steven
This Spring, when I activated HB/FR-030, I saw a huge telescopic mast with a funny antenna (a kind of vertical 2-element moxon), while approaching the summit.
I assumed the antenna belongs to another SOTA activator, but when I approached the operator, I realized he’s doing 11m CB in FM. I had a nice chat with him and he explained me his directional antenna in detail. He already heard about SOTA and I had the impression that it wasn’t his cup of tea, since there isn’t enough rag-chew involved.
Further, he told me that he asked the farmer for permission to stay overnight, because of some kind of contest that will happen some weeks later.
There are so many alternative ways to spend time in nature!