7th Mountain Goat for Marcus, IN3ADF

Complimenti Markus, sei sempre sulla breccia! A presto!
Claudio IX1IHR

Congratulations Markus !!

73 de Jan

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Markus.

Respekt und Anerkennung.

Gruß Michael

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Markus. Auf viele weitere QSOs und S2S. 73 Peter

Hallo Markus,
Glückwunsch! Vielen Dank für die vielen S2S.
Bis bald.
73 de Klaus

Wow! 7x! Congratulations Marcus!

Andy, N4LAG

Congratulations Marcus!!

Congratulation again Marcus. Glad to meet you at SOTA Dinner

73 Martin DL1MP

Missed here the opportunity to see Markus live since being at the show only on Saturday. But I met him unexpectedly “full duty” from the ferry on the lake on 2m for the completion of a rare summit, on his way to the next goat. (Missed unfortunately further completes during the day.)

That is dedication, hi - onward and enjoy your youngster years! :wink:

73, Markus HB9DIZ


@IN3ADF Uaooo Markus my compliments!!

That 's incredible Marcus. :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :+1:
Tonight I will have a drink to celebrate.

Alain F5ODQ

IMPRESSIVE ! Congratulations Markus.
73 Chris F4WBN

Amazing! Congrats Markus! The next 1000 in cw pse… :wink:


Danke für die Glückwünsche, danke für die ganzen S2S und auch den Jägern und ab der zehnten gehe Ich in Pension…

73 Markus IN3ADF

Thanks for the congratulations, thanks for all the S2S and also the hunters and from the tenth I’ll retire…

73 Markus IN3ADF


Will you be more active then? :slight_smile: I will only believe that it will be quiet around you when the time comes… :wink: :beers:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


… but we don’t receive any hint how much time that retirement will need. :wink:

So enjoy your way, Markus!

73, DIZ

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Congrats Markus,

bis zum nächsten S2S.
73 de Alex, DK1ZX

That is an amazing achievement Markus!
Thanks you for all the S2Ss!

73 Martin 2E0BIA