68th Mt. San Cristóbal EA2/NV-119 by EA2IF/P on 11/03/2017

After having got up at 6h30 (5h30 utc) and carried out an early morning successful activation of Mt. St. Martín during the VK/ZL <> EU S2S event, I got back home, picked up my 7 year old son and took him to the rock climbing training place, in which 90 minutes time I hiked, with no little effort, the 400m elevation of Mt. San Cristóbal for my 68th activation of this nice 2 pointer.

I managed to drop my son off a bit earlier than usual, so I was starting the hike at 9h54 utc, which is about 12 minutes earlier than usual that made me hope I would be able to enjoy 12 more minutes of activation than usual :slight_smile:

The hike took me the usual 35 minutes, but once in the summit, when setting up, I seemed to have wrongly bungeed the plastic tube mast of my mobile whip antenna to the wooden post I use for that and it fell down three times.

I was still standing while setting up when the antenna fell down the 2 first times and it didn’t take me much time to get it back to the vertical position, but I was already sitting on the ground with the antenna out of sight at my back and the headphones in my ears when the antenna fell down for a third time. The following picture was not taken that day but I post it here because it shows the way I always sit down with the antenna out of sight for my activations in this mountain.

I initially didn’t notice that the antenna had fallen down again and I spent some precious minutes strugglying to tune the ATU for a 1:1 SWR and also checking PL connectors because I was unable to understand and correct the high SWR and very low band noise.

At one point, a group of 3 or 4 mountaneers passed by and when I peered towards them to say good morning, I saw to my despair that the antenna was down almost in contact with the ground and a metal thing with and explanatory text about the military fort in the summit.

By the time I stood up again, put and secured the antenna back in vertical position, sat back down, put the headphones back on, took the paddle, the pencil and the note book, I had already wasted all those fantastic extra minutes that I had and was delighted with at the begining of the hike and even more :cry:
It will have to be another express activation.

Well, things don’t always come exactly as we would like…

I finally started CQing on 20m CW and logged my first chaser at 10h49 utc. John OZ4RT was followed by 11 more european chasers up to a total of 12 QSOs in the log.

This is the full log:

Despite the inconvenients, all were overcame and this made the activation a very enjoyed one.

I descended as fast as I could and got to the car in just 20 minutes.

I enjoyed very much the work out and the time on the air. Another highly enjoyed activation

Thank you very much for your calls and QSOs.

Best 73,
