300 or 500Hz filter FT817

Hi Jon, @EA3BV

Try this shop ! Ordered one YF-122-C, 2 month ago at 136.43€ with a good discount !

Now only the 300Hz is available and a bit expensive :upside_down_face: You can ask for possible future disponibility.

73 Éric

Hi Colin,
I have had a FT817ND with an INRAD 500 Hz filter since 2009, and I also have a 857D with the Yaesu 300 Hz filter. About 90% of my contacts are CW. Ive worked all 50 states, a couple dozen countries, and a ton of SOTA stations (mostly chasing, but a few activations too) with the 817 with nothing more than wire dipoles about 25 or 30 feet off the ground. Crumby band conditions and good, very busy bands and not, and lots of weak signals. The 817 isnt perfect but it has been one of my all time favorite radios just for the fun factor. Im not a contester but I do get on during CW contests just for the fun of it, and 817 holds its own pretty well even with the big signals not far off. If you work CW, you will really like having either filter. I dont think you can make a bad decision here. The only negatives I can find of one filter over another is that on some occasions a weak station that is responding to you is perhaps a little easier to miss with the 300 Hz filter if they are not tuned to your frequency quite as accurately. I also, personally, like the audio quality of the 500 hz slightly better than the 300 Hz. I cant exactly put my finger on the difference but the 500 filters Ive used seem a little smoother than the 300s. In terms of how well one filter weeds out signals compared to the other, I dont find it to be a huge difference. The 300 is tighter but for the type of operating I do, I havent found it to be something I even think about. If I had to choose one filter for the 817 I would probably go with the 500 just for the reason of my audio preference, but as I said, the differences are so minimal to me that in my opinion you will be happy either way. Thats my 2 cents worth, and probably overpriced, but there it is. If you have any questions feel free to email me directly at wb7vty@gmail.com. I check that much more often. 73 and Have fun.


Thanks for the info Joe. I have the 300Hz CW filter in my FT817, but to be honest, it’s rare that I even switch the rig on these days. I’m a 98% CW operator, very occasionally doing a bit of voice - 2FM or HF SSB.

My rig collection has expanded a bit over the years, most of my rigs being CW only. Here’s just some of my collection…

73, Colin


Where is you QCX Mini Colin ?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: on the photo !

1 Like

Special picture, just for you Eric…


73, Colin


Could this be a new challenge? How many rigs can be used in a single activation? (PS Not joining in that one on the grounds that I woul lose and end up needing a chiropractor) Paul