23.04.2013 dm/bw-168

In reply to DF2GN:

Hi Klaus

Good to see you back. Ground gain really does work - but only if the location, antenna and band are right. Last year I was chatting to a station in Utah while running 30W on 18MHz (ssb!) from a hilltop. Actually I was not right on the hilltop but in a location carefully chosen to maximise ground gain. I asked him how my signal compared to other Europeans; he listened around and confirmed that he could not actually hear any other Europeans!

It really can be that good.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to HB9CSA:
Hi Fritz
I have no rig in the luggage and therefore i have only the joy of adjudicating Helvetia Contest :slight_smile:
73 de Dominik, W4/HB9CZF

Hi all,

now i´m on the way to make some s2s in qrpttf. i am heading for bw-228 or bw-156.all very near local summits, both summits are possible, due to the fact that we have vy bad wx with lot of rain. on all of these summits i can drive near activation zone per car and set up near. and at all summits are dry places , small hut´s from hunters,forest workers etc… so i go only to hunt some s2s from time to time. its more a fun day with walk to car , go back to car and so on. qrv from time to time.hope i catch a break in rain, so i can activate again near the cliffs. if wx better i call cq sota myself.first place is bw-228.
my xyl gives me freetime for this weekendday :wink: so, a big thank you :slight_smile:

vy 73 klaus , hpe cu later !