Xmas Quiz 2016 - answers thread

88 to 91 Frequencies of Radio Two :white_check_mark:

198: Radio Four Long Wave (kHz) :white_check_mark:

5 Sides on a Pentagon :white_check_mark:

13: Unlucky for Some :white_check_mark:

270 Stations on the London Underground :white_check_mark:

225 Squares on a Scrabble Board :white_check_mark:

51 Counties in England

Depends when - it keeps changing :negative_squared_cross_mark:

8 Pints in a Gallon :white_check_mark:

Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs :white_check_mark:

4 Railway Stations on a Monopoly Board :white_check_mark:

Warrington 39591 :white_check_mark:

M1EYP: Wow, how on earth did you solve that one? Definitely one of the more obscure puzzles I set!

3 Wheels on a Tricycle :white_check_mark:

Halley’s Comet: Every 76 Years :white_check_mark:

4 Railway Stations on a Monopoly Board :white_check_mark:

M1EYP: But already solved above.

4 Wheels on a Quad Bike :white_check_mark:

I Would Walk 500 Miles by the Proclaimers :white_check_mark:

2 Sides to Every Story :white_check_mark:

4 Strings on a Bass Guitar :white_check_mark:

7: Lucky Number :white_check_mark:

6 Balls to an Over in Cricket :white_check_mark: