Today: First Activation of I/VA-087 Monte Bettaforca,10 Pts

Dear all:
Today on my way down to the valley, I will try to activate I/VA-087 Monte Bettaforca, a rarely visited mountain in the Aosta valley. Its peak us 2971m high and it will earn chasers in 10 points.

The activation will be cw-only, starting on 7.031 or 7.002 and likely also trying 10.118 and 14.060, all CW.

I think I will be QRV by 10:30 UTC.

Callsign will be I/DK3IT/P.

I should have a bit more time than usual on this one.

Please QRS 12 wpm and please spot me.

Thanks in advance for chasing!

73 de Martin, DK3IT


I am back safe and sound. The activation was a success, thanks to all chasers! Report will follow.
73 de Martin,DK3IT

Martin, please tell me what on what SOTA reference you are yesterday (15. august) at 07.55 UTC.
We have qso but i dont receive reference.

73, Ivo 9A1AA

Ivo - from Sotawatch - Spots:


it was hb/vs-011 castor.

Tnx !!