Mt. Intzako Dorrea EA2/NV-018 by EA2IF/P on 07/03/2019

After 2 failed attempts to activate this summit, one in 2016 and the other one a few weeks ago, I have finally managed to do it today. It wasn’t easy but it was finally done.
>Después de dos intentos fallidos de activar esta cima, uno en 2016 y el otro hace pocas semanas, finalmente conseguí hacerlo hoy. No fue fácil, pero finalmente lo hice.

This is how it looked like from the summit I activated last Saturday.
>Así es como se veía desde la cima que activé el sábado pasado.

Here you’ll see its location to the North-West of Pamplona.
>Aquí verán su ubicación al Noroeste de Pamplona.

This is another one of the summits I can see from my rental appartment balcony:
>Esta es otra de las cimas que puedo ver desde el balcón de mi apartamento alquilado.

I can now say I have activated them all in this picture.
>Ahora puedo decir que he activado todas las de esta foto.

The alarm woke me up at 5h45 utc, I got dressed for the mountain, had breakfast, prepared a small ham and cheese sandwich and a can of water, took my SOTA kit, the dog, drove the 45Km to the start point and I started my hike by 7h25 utc.
>La alarma me despertó a las 5h45 utc, me vestí para la montaña, desayuné, preparé un pequeño bocadillo de jamón y queso y una botella de agua, cogí mi kit SOTA, el perro, conduje los 45Km hasta el punto de inicio y empecé mi subida para las 7h25 utc.

From my 2 previous failed attempts, I knew this would be a long hike, but I can tell you now it was even longer than expected, as it took me 3 hours and 25 minutes to reach the summit, after about 10 Km hiked and 850m of elevation gained.
>De mis 2 previos intentos fallidos, sabía que ésta sería una larga subida, pero puedo decirles ahora que fue incluso más larga de lo esperado, pues me llevó 3 horas y 25 minutos alcanzar la cima, después de 10Km de subida y 850m de desnivel.

About half an hour after I started the hike some small drops of water started to fall from the low cloud present at that time. The forest I was crossing through was still in winter mode, albeit not less beautiful for such reason:
>Una media hora después de que empezara la subida, empezaron a caer algunas pequeñas gotas de agua desde las nubes bajas presentes en ese momento. El bosque que estaba atravesando estaba en todavía en modo invierno, aunque no menos precioso por ello.

I found snow and it had started raining when I had gained 565m elevation and I took this picture:
>Encontré nieve y había empezado a llover cuando había alcanzado 565m de desnivel y tomé esta foto:

It kept raining and further up and ahead I got into fog having to cross several snow patches like this:
>Siguió lloviendo y más adelante y arriba me metí en la niebla teniendo que atravesar muchas manchas de nieve como ésta:

I wrongly believed that I had reached the summit because it was so foggy that I could not see much around, but after checking the coordinates of the summit against the reading in my GPS, I realised that I was very near but not exactly in the summit. Luckily, the fog cleared a very little bit and I could see that there was a bigger and rocky mass of mountain further ahead and it looked like it was also higher than the place where I was at. So I headed there and kept hiking up on very wet and slippery rocks. At one point I had the second and this time harder contraction of my right leg caffle twin muscles, which forced me to stop in a very bad position and do some stretching by extending my leg and pulling my foot upwards. Fortunately this episode passed well and I could soon continue with special care for my twin muscles.
>Erróneamente creí que había alcanzado la cima porque había tanta niebla que no podía ver mucho alrededor, pero después de comprobar las coordenadas de la cima con la lectura en mi GPS, me di cuenta de que estaba muy cerca pero no exactamente en la cima. Afortunadamente, la niebla aclaró un poquitín y pude ver que había una masa de montaña más grande y rocosa más adelante y también parecía que era más alta que el lugar en el que me encontraba. Así que me dirigí hacia allí y continué subiendo sobre rocas muy húmedas y resbaladizas. En un momento dado, tuve mi segunda y más fuerte contracción de mis gemelos de la pierna derecha, lo que me obligó a parar en una muy mala posición y hacer estiramientos con mi pierna rígida y tirando de mi pie hacia arriba. Afortunadamente, este episodio pasó rápido y pronto pude continuar con cuidado especial con mis gemelos.

After nearly 3 hours and a half hiking I finally found the trig point barely visible in the fog:
>Después de casi 3h y media de subida encontré finalmente el vértice escasamente visible en la niebla:

And the true summit was finally reached:
>Y la verdadera cima fue finalmente alcanzada:

This is the name I had always known for this mountain and the one most of people here use. I can’t imagine where the SOTA name Intzako Dorrea comes from.
>Este es el nombre que siempre he conocido para esta montaña y el que la mayoría de la gente aquí utiliza. No me imagino de dónde viene el nombre en SOTA Intzako Dorrea.

I setup with my 10m long endfed wire and the 6m of counterpoise wire on the rocks.
It was raining a bit when I started the activation, so I had to protect my rigs with my own body and a plastic bag where I use to have my SOTA kit in.
>Monté mi cable de 10m de largo alimentado en el extremo y el cable contraantena de 6m sobre las rocas. Estaba lloviendo un poco cuando empecé la activación, así que tuve que proteger mis equipos con mi propio cuerlo y una bolsa de plástico en la que suelo tener mi kit SOTA.

The views from the operating position were really poor:
>Las vistas desde el punto de operación eran realmente pobres:

Fortunately, the rain stopped during my activation and later, towards the end of it, the fog even vanished and I received a very welcome sunshine when I was already shivering.
>Afortunadamente, la lluvia paró durante mi activación y más tarde, hacia el final, la niebla incluso se disipó y recibí los muy bienvenidos rayos del Sol cuando ya estaba tiritando.

The activation went like this:

  • 40m CW: 16 QSOs logged in 24 minutes, 2 of which were S2S with Fabio IK2LEY/P at I/LO-243 and Juerg HB9BIN/P at HB/SO-010.

  • 30m CW: 18 QSOs in 23 minutes, 1 of which was S2S with Mark HB9DBM/P at HB/ZH-014.

  • 20m SSB: 11 QSOs in 16 minutes. All of them from Europe.

  • 20m CW: 20 QSOs in 27 minutes, 2 of which were DX from the USA.

>La activación fue así:

  • 40m CW: 16 QSOs anotados en 24 minutos, 2 de los cuales fueron Sota a Sota (S2S) con Fabio IK2LEY/P en I/LO-243 y Juerg HB9BIN/P en HB/SO-010.

  • 30m CW: 18 QSOs en 23 minutos, 1 de los cuales fue S2S con Mark HB9DBM/P en HB/ZH-014.

  • 20m SSB: 11 QSOs en 16 minutos. Todos ellos con Europa.

  • 20m CW: 20 QSOs en 27 minutes, 2 de los cuales fueron DX con USA.

This is the full log with 65 QSOs (2 DX from USA) and 2 S2S:
>Este es el log completo con 65 QSOs (2 DX con USA) y 2 SOTA a SOTA (SaS)


This is the S2S log:
>Este es el log SaS

Here you’ll see a very happy and highly satisfied activator:
>Aquí verán a un muy feliz y altamente satisfecho activador.

As I mentioned above, towards the end of the activation, the fog vanished a bit and I was astonished with the absolutely magnificent views I had after so much time almost blind in the fog. Here are some pics:
>Como mencioné más arriba, hacia el fin de la activación, la niebla se disipó y me quedé atónito con las vistas absolutamente magníficas que tuve después de tanto tiempo casi ciego en la niebla. Aquí hay algunas fotos:

Across the valley of Leitza (Leitzaran in basque) you’ll see quite high the highway connecting Pamplona and San Sebastian in the coast in just a 45 minutes drive.
View towards the North:
>Al otro lado del valle de Leitza (Leitzaran en vasco) verán bastante arriba la autovía que une Pamplona y San Sebastián en la costa con un trayecto de solo 45 minutos.

View towards the East:
>Vista hacia el Este:

Views towards the West:
>Vistas hacia el Oeste:

After packing up, I started what my body felt like a neverending descent which took me almost 3 hours.
>Después de empacar, empecé lo que mi cuerpo sintió como un interminable descenso que me llevó casi 3 horas.

Bye and thank you Mt. Intzako Dorrea (Irumugarrieta):
>Adiós y gracias monte Intzako Dorrea (Irumugarrieta)

As I was descending, I couldn’t resist taking some more pictures now that the visibility was much better than that during the ascent.
>Según iba bajando, no pude resistirme a tomar algunas fotos más ahora que la visibilidad era mucho mejor que durante el ascenso.

This one is the 6 pointer SOTA Mt Beriain far in the distance:
>Este es el SOTA de 6 puntos Beriain en la distancia:

I finally got back to the car at 16h10 utc, after nearly 9 hours enjoying all the aspects of SOTA.
>Finalmente regresé al coche a las 16h10 utc, tras cerca de 9 horas disfrutando todos los aspectos de SOTA.

I hope that you liked the report as much as I enjoyed the day. Should that be the case, thanks for clicking the like button.
>Espero que les haya gustado este reportaje tanto como yo disfruté el día. En tal caso, gracias por hacer cilc en el botón me gusta.

Thanks dear chasers for your calls and QSOs. Thanks also to the colleagues who spotted me on SOTAwatch and the DX cluster. That’s highly appreciated.
>Gracias estimados cazadores por sus llamadas y QSOs. Gracias también a los colegas que me anunciaron en SOTAwatch y en el DX cluster. Eso se agradece mucho.

I’ll be looking forward to copying you all again soon from another summit.
>Estaré esperando copiarles de nuevo a todos ustedes pronto desde otra cima.




Nice activation, Guru.
S2S from here:
I/LO-243 Cima di Cavlera

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Congratulations Guru, and very well done after trying for third time!!
Glad you made your way up and enjoyed with a brilliant activation.
Now take your time to fully recover your muscles.

I like to stay on 7 MHz and tune around waiting for you until I hear your characteristic CW pitch tone while you are tuning your antenna previous the start of your activation.
When you asked “QRL?” I knew you were up there ready and in good condition.

I wish you had a VHF handheld for the case you needed any extra support or had any trouble in your way for such a long hike.

Take care, and thanks for the new one.
73 de Ignacio


I found a couple of on-line references, including

This time on the slopes of Navarre where the summit called Intzako Dorrea or Irumugarrieta is located (although nowadays according to toponymic studies it is called Soilabizkargaña ).

So even more choice perhaps. :smile:

The vertice is named “Irumugarrieta” by IGN.

Is “Torrea” vs. “Dorrea” a grammatical effect (1st letter mutation) [- of Basque?] ?

We could really use an EA2 volunteer to take up the vacant AM role to decide on these things (and take the flak if he/she gets it wrong!).

Great pictures Guru.

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I think so, Simon. In fact, Dorrea and Torrea have a too similar pronunciation here.
The a as a suffix of a noun is the article in Basque, so Torrea is like saying The Tower, because Torre is the Spanish word for Tower, similar word to Tour in French and Torre means possibly the same in Basque (albeit I must say I don’t know the Basque language other than a few words and expressions) because being in that summit makes you feel like in a tall rocky tower.

The other basque name Irumugarrieta is IMHO related to the 3 (IRU in Basque) rocky (ARRI in Basque) summits in that mountain

and the fact that this massive mountain probably represented a geografic border line (MUGA in Basque). So we have IRU = three, MUGA = border, ARRIETA = ARRI+ETA, where ARRI is rock, stone and the suffix ETA after ARRI is for meanning a rocky place.

I’ve never heard of this and have no idea of its meanning. Perhaps some of our SOTAris fluent in Basque language like @EB2GKK @EA2DCA and @EA2DNO might be able to give us a clue.

I’d love being able to help on this but, unfortuately, this is something I can’t commit to at the present time.

Thanks, Simon. It was great being up there yesterday seeing and enjoying all those great views. Mountains, valleys, nature is so beautiful…



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Nice pictures and very different from our summits - as I’m sure you know. I’ll try and remember you next time I’m on the air.!

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