Gi/mm-010 29/12/15

I activated my first GI on Tuesday. I forgot my log book (my wife’s tolerance levels were already low as I fumbled around getting dressed before dawn, so I was under pressure to go without waking the in-laws). No problem, I’ve recorded the log on my phone before in similar circumstances. It was a beautiful sunrise looking over Belfast and a fine morning to be out in between the endless storms we’ve been suffering, though a bit windy!
Settled down just now to enter the log onto the database to find absolutely nothing after the summit name and date :sob:
I was active between about 0915 and 1010. I worked EA2IF first on 20m with difficulty as apparently my audio was poor. After fiddling without effect I QSY’d to 40m with much better results. I can remember a few of the regular British chasers I worked but have no idea of the times. There was a DK7, a PA0, a couple of Spanish stations and a host of English call signs. If anyone can help by sending me their log of when they worked me, I would be very grateful.
HNY all and thank you in hope

This is probably not complete, as it relies on chasers to have already entered their logs. Nonetheless, it may be of use.

The following QSOs were logged for GI/MM-010 (Slieve Croob) on 29/Dec/2015:

Time	Chaser  Activator 	Summit Ref.	Summit Name	Band	Mode
09:24z	EA2IF	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	14MHz	SSB
09:38z	G4OBK	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:38z	PA7ZEE	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:40z	G0VWP	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:41z	G0RQL	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:43z	M0IML	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:43z	M3FEH	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:43z	DK7ZH	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:44z	M0MDA	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB
09:45z	EA2CKX	GI6PJZ/P	GI/MM-010	Slieve Croob	7MHz	SSB

It is possible to generate this yourself. Simply log on, start the process of entering the activation, and enter that bit you can remember - or something false that you can delete later. Now there is an activation in your activator log you can use the “Show who chased me” feature added this last year.