F/AM-578 Movie

Dear SOTA Friends.
You already can watch the F/AM-578: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6bo5y_sota-fam578-massif-de-la-saintebaum
I’m preparing the QSO recording on my webpage. Let you know as soon as i’m ready.
73 QRO Roger

In reply to F5LKW:
Once more, a nice video Roger.

Congratulations !

73 and 88 to Maya…

In reply to F5LKW:
Hi Roger
The star of the show is Maya …

I hope one day my young Terrier Treacle can be trusted to ascend to such great heights and suffer the sound of a pile up like Maya endured today! Maya had a great day out as you did. Enjoyed the film.

Good luck in film making and in SOTA!

Phil G4OBK

In reply to F5LKW:
Hello Roger
Very nice video!
Thank you so much for taking us with you up the hill!


In reply to all:
Thanks for congratulates dear friends.
I uploaded my webpage: F/AM-578 - Sainte Baume
You can see pictures, film and our records QSO
best 73 - Roger

Let me know if there is any mistake.

In reply to F5LKW:
Bonjour Roger
Félicitation pour cette très belle vidéo, et cette activation, qui ne devait pas etre très évidente vu le terrain!
au plaisir de te réentendre
f5nep Lionel