F/AB-355, Pointe d' Arvouin

F/HB9AFI/p was on F/AB-355 on the 8th sept at 07.30 ut. Did not publish it in advance as it is an unknown area for me and some ? if I would make it… very windy and tough keeping the antenna upright among the rocks…
73 kurt HB9AFI

In reply to HB9AFI:
Many tnx for the QSO and the Ref-Info dr Kurt! Vy qsb on ur sigs, so I did´nt get the ref. correct. Sri I did´nt hear you in the afternoon. Condx are sometimes funny (magic-band = 40m…hi), because I worked F8TMQ/p and F6GNK/p from F/AB at the same time when you were QRV. hi
Vy73 es CU de Fritz HB9CSA